100x productivity of Visual Studio Code by these extensions

Increase your productivity of Visual Studio Code by using these themes and extensions to code in productive environment

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Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is indeed a powerful and popular source-code editor used by many developers. It offers a range of features and a customizable environment that enhances productivity and improves the coding experience. Here are some key reasons why developers choose Visual Studio Code as their code editor:

1. Speed and Performance: VS Code is known for its fast performance, allowing developers to write and navigate code smoothly, even in large projects.

2. Language Support: It provides support for a wide range of programming languages, enabling developers to work with their preferred language and benefit from features like auto-indention, code completion, and syntax highlighting.

3. Extensibility: VS Code has a rich ecosystem of extensions that allow developers to customize their editor and add functionality according to their specific needs. These extensions cover various areas such as linting, debugging, version control, and more.

4. Integrated Debugging: The built-in debugger in VS Code helps developers debug their code efficiently by providing features like call stack visualization, variable inspection, and command execution in the console.

5. Git Integration: Visual Studio Code offers seamless integration with Git, making it easy for developers to manage version control within the editor. This streamlines the development workflow and saves time.

6. Web Development Support: VS Code is highly suited for modern web development, providing excellent tooling support for technologies like React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and more. It offers features like IntelliSense, snippets, and debugging capabilities specifically tailored for web development.

7. Cross-Platform Compatibility: It is a cross-platform code editor, available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring that developers can use the same editor regardless of their operating system.

Choosing a theme for VS Code is a matter of personal preference, and the editor provides a wide range of themes to suit individual styles. Themes can improve code readability, maintainability, and overall coding speed. Whether developers prefer light themes, dark themes, or material themes, they can easily find and install their desired theme from the VS Code marketplace.

Ultimately, Visual Studio Code's speed, versatility, extensive language support, and customizable features make it a popular choice among developers across different programming domains. By selecting the right theme and leveraging its capabilities, developers can create a coding environment that enhances their productivity and coding experience.

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will learn about different themes
  • useful extensions to code in peaceful environment
  • Extensions of visual studio code
  • Useful extensions for the web development
  • Useful extensions for the python developers

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners of visual studio code
  • beginner's python developers
  • Visual studio code experts