Social Sciences > > Economics

论文写作初阶(Academic Writing and Research)


經濟學概論:誘因與市場(Introduction to Economics: Incentive and Markets)


الدخل القومي | National Income

الدخل القومي (National Income) من المواضيع الرئيسة في الاقتصاد الكلي (Macroeconomics)، ويُعَرّف (Nat...

الثقافة المالية | Financial Literacy

لا يخفى على أحد أنه عندما يتعيّن علينا اتخاذ قرارٍ يتعلق بالأمور المالية في حياتنا الشخصية، أو حتى ع...

إمكانيات السوق وطلب السوق والحصة السوقية

السوق عامل مهم في تحديد إمكانية نجاح أي مشروع، يستلزم على المستثمر أن يفهم ويدرس السوق، كي يحدد كمية...

إدارة الثروات | Wealth Management

أكثر ما يشغل أصحاب الثروات (Wealth Owners) هو كيفية الحفاظ على تلك الثروات (Wealth) وتنميتها، ولتحقي...

Ética y Gobierno Corporativo

En este curso de Ética y Gobierno Corporativo estudiaremos y analizaremos la importancia desde lo es...

Welcome to Game Theory

This course provides a brief introduction to game theory. Our main goal is to understand the basic i...

Transição energética e ecológica em países do sul

Este MOOC encontra-se na confluência do desenvolvimento dos países do Sul e do desenvolvimento suste...

Trading Algorithms

This course covers two of the seven trading strategies that work in emerging markets. The seven incl...

Trade & investment: evidence-based policies for development

This MOOC prepares students that want to analyse trade and investment policies of developing countri...

The Economics of AI

The course introduces you to cutting-edge research in the economics of AI and the implications for e...

The Art and Science of Economic Policy

Economic policy affects every citizen. And economic policymaking is best done as a collaborative pro...

Social and Economic Networks: Models and Analysis

Learn how to model social and economic networks and their impact on human behavior. How do networks...

Quantitative Text Analysis and Textual Similarity in R

By the end of this project, you will learn about the concept of document similarity in textual analy...