Personal Development
Sub Categories
Conceptos y lenguaje de las organizaciones
En este curso, aprenderás a comunicarte con lenguaje, conceptos y marcos organizativos útiles para l...
Create a Cover Letter with an Envelope using Libre Writer
After successfully completing this project, you will have created a cover letter and an envelope usi...
Cross Functional Collaboration
Welcome to the "Cross-Functional Collaboration" course! This course focuses on the principles and st...
Driving business towards the Sustainable Development Goals
Extreme weather events, wars, famine and environmental destruction are just a few of the wicked prob...
Low Intermediate English: Help & Information
In this course, you will learn important language for asking for help, giving and understanding dire...
Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution - Capstone Project
This course has been designed to help you apply knowledge, skills, and know-how you have developed i...
Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future
Do you want to learn how to simulate the future more creatively and more effectively? This course is...
Try RRI! A guide for Responsible Research and Innovation
In this online course you will learn how to apply Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in your...
Verbinde Tools in Slack miteinander
Nachdem du dieses Projekt abgeschlossen hast, wird du gelernt haben wie du deine Tools in der kosten...