Social Sciences

Sub Categories

Comercio, Inmigración y Tipos de Cambio en un Mundo Globalizado

Este es el segundo de los tres cursos que forman parte de la Especialización en Globalización, Creci...

A Law Student's Toolkit

Whether you are an advanced law student looking to review the basics, or an aspiring law student loo...

A starter’s guide to Open Science

Welcome to the Erasmus University Rotterdam Open Science MOOC! This course aims to empower researche...

Achieving Supplier Diversity

If you are interested in learning more about supplier diversity and how to achieve it, then I encour...

Administración ágil de proyectos

En este curso identificarás cuáles son los elementos más importantes en la dirección de proyectos, e...

Advanced Trading Algorithms

This course will provide back test results for all the strategies in developed and emerging markets....

Advertising and Society

This course examines the relation of advertising to society, culture, history, and the economy. Usin...

After the Arab Spring – Democratic Aspirations and State Failure

Learn why the hope and excitement of the Arab Spring is gone, why so many Arab states are falling ap...

American Contract Law II

Course description: Contracts I & II provides a comprehensive overview of contract law in the United...

An Introduction to American Law

This course will give you a glimpse into six different areas of American law: Tort Law, Contract Law...

Analizando las Políticas Económicas

Este curso utiliza un enfoque no técnico para analizar la forma en la que los gobiernos utilizan pol...


¿Quieres conocer tus recursos y niveles de desempeño relacionadas con tu proceso de aprender? ¿Te in...

Arts and Culture Strategy

Arts and culture leaders have a tough but rewarding task: creating and leading sustainable organizat...

Attracting and Sourcing Diverse Candidates

It is during the shortlisting and interviewing processes, which are typically undertaken by a single...

Basic Information Literacy

Learn how to begin tackling a big project or presentation. Join today and equip yourself with basic...