“I am the resurrection and the life, anyone who believes in me and dies shall raise again."

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Live and not die, this sounds rather absurd right? Everyone dies at some point so how can one talk about Living and not dying. But allow me to ask a few questions, what did people thing of the earth at some point? That it was flat and if you got to the edge of it you would fall over, remember this notion as held as Truth for those that lived in that time until someone decided to test that then Truth and realized the earth was not flat. Another example is can men fly, well at a point that was a privilege only reserved for birds until the right brothers decided to defy that truth and introduce a new reality. Now with that said, when I tell you men can Live and Not die, your first response is IMPOSSIBLE because up to now you have not met someone who hasn’t died all you are accustomed to is to attend funerals, that is the way of life as you know it.

If you are open for new realities , then this module is one that will challenge  you and enlighten you off the ultimate possibility  that can be attained in Christ and this is IMMORTALITY. Immortality is different from eternal life, this is made clear in the teachings in this module, just as sneak peak in John 11:25, Jesus hints on this reality and truth but leaves it as an open end question that needs one to make the choice.

“ I am the resurrection and the life, anyone who believes in me and dies shall raise again. Anyone who believes in me and lives shall never die. Do you believe this?”

The possibility of Immortality is within the reach of the Christian believer, but the question is, how many believers know about this possibility how many have heard of this truth and how many dare to believe. If you are as curious about this subject as I am, then join me in this course and let's explore the scriptures together so that we can Live and Not Die.

What You Will Learn!

  • Gain knowledge and understanding about the relationship between life and death according to the WORD OF GOD.
  • The reality of life in Jesus Christ.
  • How to manifest eternal life in day to day living.
  • Victory over natural death.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone with the desire to learn and understand what the word teaches us about life and immortality.