Sculpt a Complex Catacomb Environment Scene with ZBrush
Use ZBrush to sculpt a cinematic horror environment
Students taking the Catacomb in ZBrush course will learn how to take a basic quick sketch of a scene and create simple geometry to approximate a proxy/temporary version. They'll next learn to create, duplicate within a subtool, and modify their meshes to create several versions of individual items to create interest. They'll create separate component subtools in multiple files for later importing into the final scene. The transpose action line is an invaluable tool to help modify geometry quickly and easily to adjust to the required shapes. Also indisposable is the deformation palette with many key functions that assist in helping to quickly and efficiently create meshes in Zbrush. Creating multiple copies of subtool meshes within those same subtools is paramount in interacting multiple instances of geometry that will quickly 'fill out' spaces needing substance. Boolean operations will also play a deciding factor in taking simple geometry and 'hollowing out' more detailed areas for better atmosphere. Adding text, while using the text as actual booleans, will be important in adding script to the tombstones etc to help make a believable graveyard scene.
What You Will Learn!
- Learn to create quick proxy models for scene preview
- Be able to quickly create individual environment component pieces
- Learn to visualize how to take simple constructs to create a complicated environment scene
Who Should Attend!
- Students familiar with Zbrush and wishing to understand how to create a complete scene