4-Week Functional Health Transformation

Defy Aging and Everything that Comes with It By Putting Your Body In Balance

Ratings: 3.67 / 5.00


The 4-Week Functional Health Transformation course is designed with proven cutting-edge science leading the way to health. Cursory diet programs to achieve sustainable optimal health have, and always will, fail in the long-term. New concepts are brought to the student that, if applied, have given lasting results. This is not a course for those seeking quick-fix solutions to long-term health issues. it's a course that delves into health issues on a cellular level to deliver lasting health.

Our bodies are homeostasis organisms so when we experience health issues it's our bodies telling us that we are not in balance. Conventional medicine tries to correct the problem. But our bodies are also systemic organisms. So these drugs sometimes mask the current issue only to cause an interruption with the system as a whole, which leads to other health issues - and more drugs.

Cutting-edge science has identified chronic inflammation as the root cause to chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, heart disease, cancer, type II diabetes, obesity, and more. Trying to treat the health issue on the surface with drugs never cures the disease. The body as a whole needs to be addressed. And that's not how our current drugs work.

So what causes inflammation, which eventually breaks down the body leading to excess weight and other chronic ailments? Our diet is the largest culprit. But stress, toxic chemicals, viruses, and infections are also big players in the release of inflammatory chemicals like tumor necrosis factor- alpha (TNF-a) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). Inflammation makes TNF-a. TNF-a produces the production of fats cells. And fat cells make TNF-a. This all creates a vicious cycle of continual weight gain. The more weight you gain, the more TNF-a is produced, and the more inflammation is created, which makes you gain even more weight.

Obesity is only one disease resulting from chronic inflammation. Besides the diseases from the aforementioned paragraph, hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), Crohn's Disease, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, and many other diseases are also results from chronic inflammation.

The five pillars of health include nutrition, movement, stress management, hormonal balance, and personal beliefs. Neglecting just one pillar will keep you from obtaining sustainable optimal health. In the 4-Week Functional Health Transformation course, you'll learn powerful concepts that have helped some of my clients reverse prediabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, lower inflammatory markers that lead to diseases like heart attacks and strokes, and, of course, lose weight and keep it off.

What You Will Learn!

  • "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates Most of today's chronic diseases are attributed to the Standard American Diet (SAD). Accelerated aging is also a repercussion of the typical American diet. In week 1, creating a food journal for the first seven days of the course will give you a good idea why you might be overweight, are type II diabetic, or have hypertension. The issues with your diet can't be changed until you become aware of what foods are deteriorating your health. Food journals offer a tremendous amount of information concerning your health. Once you're conscious of what you're putting into your body, you'll quickly understand why health issues are becoming a concern in your life.
  • Every cell in your body hears your every thought. We become what we think. The second week delves into how beliefs are formed. Only you can change your thoughts. But you have to unravel the "garbage" in your subconscious mind, erase the negative recorded voice you hear, and rewrite your beliefs that will serve your health and every other aspect of your life. There will be a recorded hypnotherapist session introducing you into how a negative body image will make you believe that it's okay to be overweight so that you continue habits to stay in your current unhealthy comfort zone. Changing your negative beliefs that don't serve you for positive beliefs to help transform your life is the only way to make sustainable changes.
  • Stress kills! It slowly breaks down your body bit-by-bit each day until one day you realize you have serious health issues that are going to take time and effort to reverse. Almost 300 years ago, Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." And those words ring even louder today. We live in an over-stressed society that robs our bodies of nutrients and cripples our immune systems. The third week will enlighten you on the quiet destruction stress has on our bodies when we enter the fight-or flight response. You'll be armed with a beginner's course to gentle yoga that will teach you to use your breath and body to get out of the stress response and into the relaxation (health) response.
  • The forth, and final week, the biggest question I get as a healthy lifestyle TV personality, host for a radio talk show, and public speaker is addressed in a simple demonstration explaining a complex bodily mechanism. By the end of the fourth week, you'll understand why you keep regaining all of your lost weight after each failed diet, why it gets harder to lose weight as you get older, and what needs to be done to drop the extra poundage and keep it off - PERMANENTLY! The 4-Week Functional Health Transformation course is about addressing all of the pillars of sustainable optimal health. Yo-yo dieting will be a thing of the past once you implement what you'll learn in this course. We all want to look aesthetically pleasing and losing the weight is only a derivative of the true benefits coming from creating healthier cells. Our bodies kill and birth 300 billion new cells per day. And each day you have a chance to make those new 300 billion cells healthy or sick. You have a choice every day to become sicker and sicker or healthier and healthier. Only you can make that choice and my 4-Week Functional Health Transformation course is the vehicle to take you there.

Who Should Attend!

  • America's deteriorating health is palpable nonsense! With 7 out of 10 Americans being on at least one prescribed medication, type II diabetes on the rise in biblical proportions (both adults and children), and heart disease being the #1 killer in the United States, it's time to invest in your health. But there is so much information at our fingertips that all we hear is white noise. There's good information out there. There's bad information out there. And there's half-truths out there. So how do you know what is true and will help your condition? If you've tried every diet out there only to gain all of your lost weight, or worse, more weight than before you started the diet, then this course is for you. If you are prediabetic or officially diagnosed as a type II diabetic, then this course is for you. If you have hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), or hypertension (high blood pressure), then this course is for you. If you are not willing to implement what you learn and are looking for that magic bullet they've been talking about since the 60s, then this course is not for you. They say, Knowledge is power." I say they're wrong! Knowledge is useless and dies with you unless you use that knowledge. Implementing knowledge is POWER! The results come from the implementation of your newfound knowledge. You'll never get healthier, younger looking, or more energetic if all you do is passively go through the 4-Week Functional Health Transformation course. Being proactive with your health will get your health back on track. The harder you work at attaining health, the healthier you will become.