The 4 States of Consciousness
The latest discoveries in Quantum Physics and Astronomy combined to explain the Evolution of Consciousness in you.
The latest and most current scientific discoveries in the areas of human Evolution, Quantum Physics and Astronomy come together in this course about how and WHY the universe was created the way it is - basically a giant machine to create life and get feedback from all forms of life everywhere.
The four states of consciousness are:
The Electronic - It all starts with the electron.
The Rotational - Electrons band together to create atoms.
The Vibrational - Atoms turn into Molecules which in turn communicate with us.
The FeedBack Loop - We're all made up from Molecules - but we use Electrons in our brains to give FEEDBACK!
As the 4th and highest state of consciousness, we are invented in order to provide the Creator with information about how he or she is doing. As we give back this information to the universe, the Creator responds with higher and better challenges for us to overcome. Each challenge feedback increases the energy state of the universe and lowers our own - but as part of the feedback loop, eventually all of the energy we fed into the universe is given back to us with dividends and our lives improve greatly as our energy state is raised by an equal or higher amount to that which we emitted. It's really that simple.
The greatest lesson you will learn from this course is that you must not ever overthink Consciousness.
It's really that simple.
The information contained herein is easy to understand and will inspire anyone who wants to do better things or gain more insight concerning their allotted time on this planet.
What You Will Learn!
- Understand how and WHY the universe is constructed the way it is
- Put your life in its proper perspective
- Raise your level of Consciousness to its maximum energies and your highest and best use
- Understand the most complex levels of quantum physics because they are truly very simple
- Never over-think Consciousness
- Understand the most important mechanisms in Nature which are actually very simple
- Identify, locate and merge with your true soul mate
Who Should Attend!
- This course is intended for a wide audience - anyone who has the hope and desire to learn what Life on Earth is truly all about and how everything is connected. This course is NOT for anyone who has shut themselves off to new ideas nor anyone who does not believe in Scientific principles that have gotten us to this point in our understanding of the universe. Our evolution on this planet follows a pattern that is uncovered and made available to anyone who has enough curiosity only.
- More information included in my book of the same title