5G時代的專管理能力突破Agile Project Management

掌握敏捷管理核心價值Deeply grasp the core concepts and values of agile project management

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  • 本課程以中文授課,附有自動翻譯英文字幕,若翻譯語意內容有些許差異,敬請見諒!

敏捷專案管理(agile project management)專注於速度、簡單性和持續改進,同時完全以客戶為中心。在5G數位化的時代下,新的商業目標因應時代而生,傳統專案管理模式已無法時刻靈活應用在不斷變動的大環境裡。


  • This course is taught in Chinese with automatic English subtitles, so please forgive me if there are some differences in the semantic content of the translation.

Agile project management focuses on speed, simplicity, and continuous improvement while remaining completely customer-centric. In the era of 5G digitalization, new business goals are emerging in response to the times, and traditional project management models are no longer flexible enough to be applied in the ever-changing environment.

As a project manager, you need to have a fast and agile mindset and adopt the most efficient development model to facilitate project team communication.

"produce, review, and improve" in the shortest time, optimize the project process, create innovative products or services that meet customer needs, enhance team creativity, and obtain the best value and benefits for the company so that business goals can be maximized.

What You Will Learn!

  • 掌握敏捷管理核心概念與價值觀
  • 了解如何使用敏捷管理為企業創造價值
  • 成為優秀的敏捷專案管理領導者
  • 運用敏捷管理實踐卓越的專案執行策略
  • Master the Core Concepts and Values of Agile Management
  • Understand How to Create Value for Businesses Using Agile Management
  • Become an Outstanding Agile Project Management Leader
  • Implement Exceptional Project Execution Strategies with Agile Management

Who Should Attend!

  • 希望從事專案管理職業的學習者
  • 想要瞭解專案管理的學習者
  • 開發人員,業務人員,主管以及任何想轉向專案管理的學習者
  • Learners who want to pursue a career in project management.
  • Learners who would like to learn more about project management.
  • Developers, business people, executives, and any learners who want to change to project management.