7 Master Glands Purification and Activation part 1

Learn powerful DNA activations codes to purify and activate your 7 Master Glands to 3 levels !

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In this class, you will learn about your 7 master Glands : the pineal, the pituitary, the thyroid, the thymus, the pancreas, the adrenal and the sexual glands.

You will discover and repeat DNA activation codes coming from a higher guidance, that are specific sounds or phonic triggers to purify each gland and to activate it.

There are 3 levels of activation for each gland, that will increase their radiance and their energetic field.

This practice will take you through a journey of purification and activation of your whole body, and will upgrade your ability to handle the current energy shift.

It will create a space for global holistic health and will activate many psychic abilities.

You will clear your ancestral lineage, your emotional body, increase your immunity, an balance your hormonal system.

This is a easy but powerful practice that you can add to your own routine.

Enjoy the codes that are dormant in your DNA, and uplift your consciousness to a all new level.

This class is a prerequisite for the 7 Master Glands Activation part 2.

What You Will Learn!

  • After this class, you will be able to practice for yourself the purification and activation of each of your 7 master glands and guide others with the process.
  • Boost the energetic capacities of your 7 master glands
  • Activate some of your psychic senses
  • Harmonize your whole energetic system

Who Should Attend!

  • Everyone who wants to feel better and more healthy.
  • Students who know they have Glandular dysfunctions as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, sleep problems, sexual disorders, pancreas dysfunction, and so on.
  • Healers who wish to integrate these practices to their toolbox.
  • Spiritual inclined students who want to upgrade their meditation, inner vision and global health.