A Calm Home.

Interior Design for More Well-Being.

Ratings: 4.49 / 5.00


In this class, you will learn how the space around you can influence how you feel and how to design your home in a way that is more conducive to calm.

Each lesson delves into a unique design aspect and its impact on your sense of calm and offers practical steps to incorporate these ideas at home.

  1. Order: Explore how the organisation of your environment influences your feelings of overwhelm. Here you’ll learn tips for arranging furniture to foster a greater sense of order and peace.

  2. Nature: Understand nature's profound impact on our well-being and discover ways to incorporate elements of nature into your home to enhance tranquillity.

  3. Round Shapes: Discover why we're instinctively drawn to round or organic shapes and how they contribute to a sense of calm. Here you’ll learn how to introduce more organic forms into your space.

  4. Soft and Heated: Here, we delve into why soft and warm textures comfort us, especially in distressing times, and learn how to integrate these elements into your home design.

  5. A Habit of Calm: Learn how calmness can be cultivated by associating it with specific habits and specific spaces at home. Here you’ll learn how to design a space that supports specific calming habits.

  6. Better with Time: Understand how the perceived value, fragility, and quality of items in your home can impact your feelings of calm. Here you’ll learn how to create a space that makes you feel relaxed rather than on edge.

  7. Fix, Tighten and Repair: Learn the importance of maintaining your home items and how a well-kept home can provide a sense of stability and grounding.

This course is designed for anyone keen to comprehend the connection between space design and emotional well-being. Rest assured; you don't need to overhaul your home or spend a fortune to create a serene and calming environment.

What You Will Learn!

  • Gain insights on how interior design influences emotions and contributes to a calm and serene environment.
  • Learn to organize your space to alleviate feelings of overwhelm and enhance tranquility.
  • Discover ways to incorporate elements of nature into your home to boost overall well-being.
  • Understand why organic shapes promote calmness and learn to incorporate them into your interior design.
  • Learn to associate specific calming habits with designated spaces in your home to foster regular relaxation.
  • Understand how maintaining your home and its items can enhance feelings of stability and grounding.

Who Should Attend!

  • People who wish to design their home to create a calm and relaxing environment for themselves.
  • Homeowners and renters: Whether you're settling into a new home or wanting to rejuvenate your current living space, this course will provide valuable insights into crafting a calmer atmosphere.
  • Interior design enthusiasts: For those who have a passion for designing spaces, this course offers a unique perspective on how to create environments that enhance well-being.
  • Wellness advocates: If you're interested in personal well-being and mindfulness, this course offers practical ways to extend this approach to your physical surroundings.
  • Students studying architecture, design or psychology: This course combines design principles with an understanding of emotional well-being, providing useful insights for students in these fields.
  • DIY project lovers: If you enjoy hands-on projects and personalizing your space, this course offers a wealth of ideas to inspire your next endeavor.