A/B Testing Crash Course for Product Managers

Learn a step by step process to figure out what to A/B test from a Senior Director of Product Management.

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Learn how to build successful experiments to improve your product and grow your business from Udemy's Senior Director of Product. 

Many product experiments fail because we test the wrong things. If you are on a budget and have limited resources, like most of us out there, it's critical that you spend your time the right way. If you just started to think about running A/B tests, it could be overwhelming to figure out where to start and what to test. In this course, I will show you the step by step process we use at Udemy to figure out what to experiment with. Also you will learn more about the roles in an experiment team, how to manage dependencies, most important qualities of a strong experiment owner and how to hire the right people (includes interview questions for hiring experiment owners). And finally, you will learn how to think about the team culture to make your experimentations successful. 

This is a short and sweet course that aims to give you advanced frameworks and ideas to take your product to the next level by running A/B tests. I can't wait to see you inside! 

Note: In this course, we don't cover A/B testing tools or A/B testing statistics.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn a step-by-step process to identify the right things to test.
  • Supercharge your experiments with advanced frameworks and analyses techniques.
  • Understand how successful organizations approach to A/B testing.
  • Build an effective experimentation team in your organization.
  • Hire the right experiment owners to your team. Example interview questions are included.
  • Asses your current way of thinking of running experiments and get ideas about what to improve.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to make their A/B tests more successful.
  • Anyone who is in a product, marketing or growth team that wants to take their A/B testing skills to the next level.
  • Team managers and team leaders that want to make their experiment teams more effective.