Ace That Interview!

Ace That Interview - A Course for Jobseekers!

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Are you tired of getting invited to interviews and then not getting a job offer? I will help you prepare so well for your next interview that it will ensure you stand out from all the other candidates and land that job. I have been a hiring manager for over 10 years, both here in Ireland and abroad, and I've interviewed countless candidates during that time. You can avail of my top tips to ensuring that you are memorable in the mind of your interviewer long after the interview is over. We'll cover topics such as researching your prospective employer ahead of the interview, how best to answer common interview questions, how to plan out what skills questions you should prepare answers for and much more. In addition to that, you'll have the benefit of my help along the way. Simply message me through the Udemy portal with any of your interview related questions and I'll come back to you with an answer. I believe in really practical, tangible advice that you can put into practice straight away and that is what this course delivers. There is also a workbook that you fill out as we go along to ensure that you are capturing each of the steps along the way. As the old saying goes, 'Fail to prepare and prepare to fail'. Never is that more true than when you are interviewing for a new job - preparation is key and also helps to kills nerves on the big day so join me as take this journey together towards helping you land your next perfect job!

What You Will Learn!

  • How to prepare ahead of time for an upcoming job interview
  • How to prepare examples of skills ahead of their job interview
  • How to research their prospective employer ahead of a job interview
  • How to set salary expectations and navigate salary negotiations

Who Should Attend!

  • Job seekers who have secured an interview and college graduates who have multiple upcoming interviews.