Acoustics for Beginners

Foundational knowledge in acoustics including project case studies

Ratings: 0.00 / 5.00


This course is aimed at anyone who is curious about the fundamentals of sound and acoustic design. It is a foundational course in acoustics targeted at the beginner level. It provides an introduction to acoustic theory and applications of acoustic design in the built environment .

It is assumed that students have a basic understanding of mathematical concepts, but it is not essential to progress through this course.

Topics covered include: what is sound, how we hear sound, measuring sound, sound outdoors, sound in rooms, acoustic properties of materials, sound insulation and impact noise. Demonstrations of concepts are provided with visualisations, videos and auralisations (audio files).

Twelve case study topics are presented based on real engineering projects. The case studies range from the design of a theatre, acoustics in offices and impact noise in a residential apartment .

By the end of this course students will have enough background knowledge in acoustics to understand how sound and acoustics influences engineering and architectural designs in the built environment.

Detailed course content:

Section 1. Basic acoustics

1 What is sound

2 How our ears work

3 Describing sound

4 Decibel arithmetic

5 Measuring sound

6 Sound levels

Section 2. How sound behaves outdoors

7 Sound propagation outdoors

8 Sound decay with distance

9 Source directivity and location

10 Screening by barriers

Section 3. Sound within spaces

11 Sound propagation in rooms

12 Acoustic properties of materials

13 More detail on sound absorption

14 Sound absorption vs sound insulation

Section 4. Sound transfer between spaces

15 Airborne and structureborne sound

16 Sound insulating constructions

17 Impact noise

18 Sound insulating floor systems

19 Impact noise reduction

Section 5. Acoustic Case Studies

20 Strategies for placement of room acoustic treatment

21  Acoustic treatment for music

22 Acoustic treatment for speech

23 Diffusive surface finishes

24 Room acoustic modelling

25 3D Room acoustic modelling software

26 Auralisation of room acoustics

27 Acoustics for open plan offices

28 Acoustic privacy in meeting rooms and offices

29 Impact noise in a residential apartment

30 Daylighting and acoustics

31  Swimming pool acoustic design

32 Theatre acoustic design

What You Will Learn!

  • To gain an understanding of the fundamentals of acoustics and sound in the built environment.
  • Entry level acoustic knowledge for students or curious people who are interested in sound and acoustics.
  • Apply knowledge of acoustics to the design of spaces in the built environment.
  • Experience project case studies where acoustic design is critical for the success of sustainable indoor spaces.

Who Should Attend!

  • Curious people who have an interest in sound and acoustics.