Acupressure & Yoga for Hormonal Imbalance

Fibroids, Cysts, Prostate Issues, Low Libido, Hot Flushes, Menopause, Depression, Infertility, Mood Swings, etc...

Ratings: 5.00 / 5.00


1. Why is this acupressure course different?

Acupressure is traditionally known as a pain management therapy, but in this course, we delve into the secrets and the healing potential of Acupressure as a treatment for hormonal imbalances.

We use a scientific approach to harness the healing potential of the body to heal it from within using Acupressure as a tool.

We remove the mystical and use facts based on science to explain how the body heals itself and how you can be empowered to not only understand what's going on in your body but also be able to heal yourself using Acupressure.

2. Hormones; most of us are ignorant

Hormones run our bodies. Hormones have a hand in basically all the functions of the body and many of us are suffering from Hormonal Imbalance and we don't even know it. Often times we are too busy getting our symptoms treated and we ignore the root cause. This leads to the issue coming back in most cases making us dependant on medication to suppress our suffering and keep us comfortable. For example, many times, women who get fibroids or cysts, go to the doctor to get them cut out but the issue will most definitely return as the root cause has not been addressed which is most likely a hormonal imbalance.

This course has been designed to delve into the root cause of a problem or issue, specifically around hormonal imbalances and to heal your body from within. This ensures that the problem is sorted from the root and does not reoccur.

                        This course empowers you to take control of your body and heal yourself.

3. Is this a full body massage?

NO. Acupressure therapy is not a full body massage but a targetted treatment that helps you diagnose and also treat yourself.

4. Treating through Acupressure and Yoga

Acupressure, as a treatment, has no side effects as it has no oral medication and is completely safe. You will be empowered to understand how your hormones run your body and to be able to diagnose and heal yourself using Acupressure.

We then use Yoga to be able to support and maintain the balance of your body ensuring that your hormones work as they are designed to.

5. Why am I doing this?

Our body is a miracle machine that wants to heal but unfortunately, most of us are not aware of this fact and rely on expensive medication and treatments to keep us healthy and comfortable. In a lot of these cases, the treatments can be very expensive and not accessible to everyone.

It has always been my vision to share the power of Acupressure with as many people as I can reach. To empower you to be able to take your health back into your hands. To be able to heal yourself with nothing more than the right kind of knowledge and the healing power of your body.

You don't need to be a medical practitioner to take control of your health.

                        You have the power to heal yourself.

What You Will Learn!

  • You will learn the basics of Acupressure Therapy
  • You will learn how your body works and what part hormones play in their functioning
  • You will learn how to recognize hormonal issues
  • You will learn how to diagnose hormonal issues in your body
  • You will be able to heal yourself from hormonal issues using Acupressure
  • You will learn how to do a daily maintenance on your body through Acupressure to ensure effective working of your hormones
  • You will learn healthy diet practises and Yoga excercises to be able to manage your hormones

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who has been dealing with the syptoms and stress of hormonal issues, not finding relief in medications and is trying to find an alternative approach to dealing with hormonal issues