Advanced Structural Analysis

Advanced Analysis of statically indeterminate structures and more

Ratings: 3.96 / 5.00


This is  a more advanced part of the Structural analysis of structures. It covers different methods to solve statically indeterminate structures. It also covers Influence Lines for Displacements. After finishing this course, you will be able to analyze most structures for a variety of loads.These methods are different ways to solve statically indeterminate structures. Once you understand them, you will be familiar with the basis of the commercial software packages out there which are used to solve Structures. Also, you will have a good basis for the Structural Design of structures. You will know how to check the Structures for the combined Stresses they are generally subjected to.

I would advise students to take the 3 parts of Basics of Structural Analysis course, in addition to this advanced course, in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of Structural analysis. I bet you will be a very good Engineer once you master these basics of structural analysis + Advanced Structural Analysis. You will also be more than ready to take on design courses, specifically the design of steel structures. 

This Advanced Structural Analysis Course includes the following topics:

Influence Lines for Displacements

The Stiffness Matrix, which is the basis of Finite element method

How to solve buildings for lateral loads

Degrees of freedom

And more.

What You Will Learn!

  • Advanced Structural Analysis
  • Advanced methods for the Analysis of structures
  • Influence Lines For Displacements
  • Approximate methods for the analysis of some structures

Who Should Attend!

  • Final year - Engineering students
  • Final year - Students in Architecture
  • Young practicing Engineers