Kundalini Yoga: The Advanced Guide To The Next Level Of Yoga

Learn All Of The 8 Keys To Master Kundalini Yoga: Kriya, Asana, Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra, Mantra, Meditation, Yoga Nidra

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***Updated January 2023***

The most comprehensive Kundalini Yoga course on Udemy, for the student who wants to take their practice to the next level.

*** from Mark T.J Keane, Udemy's bestselling Kundalini Yoga instructor ***

We cover all the main aspects of Kundalini Yoga, to ensure you get your Kundalini Rising!

Kriya (Set) - This course contains 3 full kriyas, including the most powerful kriya in this practice of Kundalini Yoga, which is rarely taught, but is guaranteed to transform your body tension, and associated negative patterns of thought and behaviour, into free flowing energy, and a super positive attitude.

Asana (Body Position) - This course contains many different asanas to get energy flowing in your body, most of which are not found in any other Yoga practice. They are very direct, and lead to a transfer of attention from the problem solving, rational mind, to the heart, where natural joy arises from the opening of the chest.

Pranayama (Breath Awareness) - This course contains the 5 most effective breaths in Kundalini Yoga. Most people's breath is too shallow, and it causes emotions like anxiety, and depression to be trapped in the body. These breaths will not only permanently shift these trapped emotions, but give you instant access to your deep mind, and the wisdom that resides there, waiting to be untapped.

Bandha (Locks) - These locks are the key to Kundalini Yoga. Master these, and you master Yoga. They are seldom taught so readily in most other Yoga practices. These locks are designed to stimulate, cultivate and channel your kundalini energy passed the three gates. The effect is the stimulation of your higher glandular system, and ultimately the ultimate goal of Yoga....Samadhi, which is to have the ability to access cosmic consciousness at will.

Mudra (Hand Positions) - How changing the hand positions alters your state, and tunes you in to natural and cosmic energies and awareness.

Mantra (Sound Vibration) - This course includes six mantras which are designed to cleanse the mind to give you clarity and inner peace.

Meditation - This course includes 2 in-depth meditations which are both very powerful. Either one of these has the potential to change your life by raising your vibration, in alignment with the most awesome version of yourself.

Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) - This course includes a specially designed Yoga Nidra, which is the most advanced Yogic practice. It not only works as a deep relaxation, and guided meditation, but also has the effect of integrating the rest of the work you do on the course. It will align your kundalini with your natural surroundings and the cosmos, giving you the power to attract what you want from the universe.

All guided by Mark Keane, who has been teaching Kundalini Yoga extensively since training in India in 2005.

You are ready for the next level..it's time to dive deep, and take the plunge!...

ENROLL NOW! (30 Day Money Back Guarantee)

NB. Please note that this is an advanced course, so if you are new to Kundalini Yoga, it is recommended to first complete my concise beginner's course on Udemy: Kundalini Yoga : A New Beginning, A New Life, A New You!

What You Will Learn!

  • The repeated performance of these exercises will greatly increase energy levels, and creative ability.
  • The practices ensure a higher perspective on life caused by direct connection to one's intuition and higher faculties.
  • You will learn Pranayama (breath awareness), how to breathe in a way to bring balance to the mind, and increase vitality.
  • You will learn Bandha (body locks) for sealing and releasing energy in order to rise the energy passed the points of psychic tension.
  • You will learn Mantras (sound vibrations) which will cleanse the mind from negative thought patterns.
  • You will learn all the Mudras (hand positions) and how they affect your state of mind.
  • You will learn specific Yogic Meditations designed to cleanse and calm the mind, and bring you into divine alignment.
  • You will learn Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep), the most advanced aspect of Yoga, and often underestimated in its profundity. When mastered 2 hours of Yogic Sleep can replace the need for night time sleep for many days.
  • You will learn about the different aspects of the mind. Master your mind, and master life!
  • You will learn new Asanas (body positions) to bring balance to your body and mind.
  • You will learn new Kriyas (sets) which will bring all of what you have learned into practice.

Who Should Attend!

  • This is for you, if you want to take your Kundalini Yoga practice to the next level.
  • This is for you, if you are ready to move beyond your basic asana, and relaxation based Yoga practice.
  • This is for you, if you wish to really know yourself on the most intimate level.
  • This is for you, if you wish to rise the Kundalini life force to the crown to achieve Samadhi (Elevated state of consciousness)
  • This is for you, if you wish to activate your seven chakras
  • This is for you, if you want to move beyond negative states such as depression and anxiety.
  • This is for those you, if you wish to enhance your deeper intuition and extra-sensory abilities.
  • This is for you, if you want to awaken your creative potential.
  • This is for you, if you wish to transform your bodily tension, into an abundance of free flowing energy.
  • This is for you, if you want to take your life to the next level.
  • This is for you, if you are ready to become the greatest version of yourself.