Amazing Testosterone Benefits for Women in Menopause

The Unlikely Natural Solution for Women in Menopause

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There are a few NATURAL solutions you can use to reduce or eliminate your menopause symptoms… one of them, the most unlikely solution, I want to talk to you about in this letter.

In fact, there is a good chance if you asked your doctor about this natural solution for help in menopause… he or she would probably think you’re NUTS!

Unfortunately, most western doctors aren’t taught about natural solution for menopause and are clueless about the benefits of…

Testosterone for women. That’s right, I said testosterone.

You know, the hormone that makes men, men.

It gives them their deep voice, large muscles, facial and chest hair, and makes them more aggressive.

And that’s probably what you’re thinking…

Won’t testosterone make my voice deep? Or make me grow chest and facial hair? Or make me aggressive? Or break out with acne on my face and back?

The answer is NO!

The truth is, women produce both estrogen and testosterone. A relatively small amount of testosterone is released in the bloodstream from your Ovaries and Adrenal Glands.

Testosterone plays an important part in your bone health, muscular health and your sex drive.

However, during menopause, it is common for testosterone levels to drop.

This can lead to excessive dryness of eyes, mouth and vagina… low energy and a low sex drive.

On top of that, it is also bad for your heart, which remember is a muscle, and your bones (which can lead to conditions such as osteoporosis).

The good news is, a little testosterone therapy can reverse the dryness, low energy and low sex drive… but that’s just the start.

In fact, there are over 30 benefits of testosterone for Menopausal Women.

And you can experience these benefits without growing facial or chest hair… getting a deep gravelly voice… becoming overly aggressive, muscular or breaking out with acne on your face and back.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn the benefits of Testosterone for women!
  • Learn why women need testosterone just as much as men do and how to achieve healthy, normal levels.

Who Should Attend!

  • Women interested in learning about Natural Options for Menopause