Advanced Gait Training For Lower Extremity Amputees

Ratings: 4.73 / 5.00



A nation-wide free program, the Amputee Walking School has helped thousands of amputees
worldwide achieve their own personal goals of mobility. Throughout the course, Dennis Oehler and
Todd Schaffhauser will guide amputees physical therapists through a series of fun exercises in a casual environment to help with
increased flexibility and strength to achieve the best performance from their prosthesis.These exercises are for the beginners and the advanced level amputees.
For over 34 years, Paralympic Gold Medalists, Dennis Oehler and Todd Schaffhauser have
helped over 30,000 amputees world-wide with this 100% free program, helping them optimize
the use of their prosthesis. Whether you have been an amputee for years, a brand new
amputee, or even contemplating amputation, the Amputee Walking School is a fun, casual
atmosphere filled with inspirational stories and strength-training exercises.
Dennis and Todd take a hands-on approach to training physical therapists at the Walking
School, encouraging the therapists to work one-on-one with the amputees. The Amputee
Walking School is also perfect for students, occupational therapists, physicians, restorative
nurses, wound care specialists, case managers/social workers, discharge planners, and diabetic
counselors. Athletic Trainers and Wellness trainers are also welcome will also learn very valuable knowledge on how to help those amputees transitioning from physical therapy to a Wellness Program.

What You Will Learn!

  • Training techniques of the AWS program will help physical therapist learn to strength train those with above the knee amputation
  • Physical therapist will learn gait training techniques for above the knee amputees
  • Physical therapist will learn how to teach above the amputees a proper running gait.
  • A better knowledge of prosthetic components and fitting procedures will be learned in this course.

Who Should Attend!

  • Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy and Amputees
  • Athletic Trainers will learn wellness techniques for above knee patients.