Analog Electronics

Electronic Devices & Circuits

Ratings: 4.42 / 5.00


This is a basic Analog Electronics Course. This course  covers all basic concepts related to P-N Junction Diode, Special purpose diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistor and Field Effect Transistor .The complete course is divided into three sections. Section-1 covers basic concepts of P-N junction diode, special purpose diodes-Zener Diode, LED, Photodiode and  Diode applications-Rectifiers, Clipping Circuits & Clamping Circuits. Section-2 covers concepts of Bipolar junction Transistor including construction, working and Input-Output Characteristics of BJT configurations. Section-3 Covers concepts of Field Effect Transistors including Construction, working, Drain & Transfer Characteristics of JFET, Depletion MOSFET & Enhancement MOSFET.

What You Will Learn!

  • Analog Electronics

Who Should Attend!

  • Engineering students, BSC Electronics Students, Diploma Students(Polytechnic)