Android Complete Guide for Firebase and ML using Kotlin

Build chat app, use machine learning, login with different social media accoutns and many more

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Android Complete Guide for Firebase and ML using Kotlin


This course will guide you (step by step) to use the most used features of Firebase in Android applications and Kotlin.

Also, you will learn about implementing the amazing cloud machine learning features like text recognition, image labeling, bar code scanning and so on

In Addition, you will learn many interested topics such as social media login, real time database, storgae, AdMob, storage, FCM and in app messaging ... etc

But at first, It will teach you Kotlin programming language from scratch. So if you have basic knowledge of Kotlin, you can skip the first two sections

Lastly, you will build chat application where you will use many firebase features inside this application.

It's divided into the following sections:

  • Kotlin Basics

  • OOP using Kotlin

  • Firebase Authenticaion

  • Firebase Realtime Database

  • Firebase Cloud FireStore

  • Firebase Google AdMob

  • Firebase Machine Learning

  • Firebase FCM and In App Messaging

  • Chat Application

This course is useful for IT Developers, Students or any interested person in the mobile and web development field


What You Will Learn!

  • Understand Kotlin Programming Language from Scratch
  • Implement OOP concepts in Kotlin
  • Use Firebase authentication with different providers like Facebook, Google, E-Mail and Phone number
  • Use realtime database and cloud firestore
  • Upload and download files using Firebase storage
  • Implement Firebase machine learning with vision, text recognition and image labeling
  • Send FCM and In App messaging
  • Add Google AdMob to your app
  • Build chat App

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is meant for IT Students, developers or any interested person in Android Apps development who are looking to develop an interactive Android Apps
  • Android Developers who needs to get advantage of firebase and machine learning capabilities