Android Development with Kotlin

Android Application Performance Optimization

Ratings: 4.71 / 5.00


Unlock the full potential of Android app development with our immersive course, 'Android Development with Kotlin.' Tailored for both beginners and intermediate developers, this Course is a comprehensive exploration of the Kotlin programming language within the dynamic landscape of Android development.
Dive into the foundations of Kotlin, mastering variables, control flow, and functions. Navigate Android Studio with ease, building a strong understanding of UI design principles, layouts, and themes. Delve into advanced topics such as object-oriented programming, database handling, networking, and API integration.

Course Structure

  • Installation and Setup

    • Install IntelliJ IDEA - Windows PC

    • Install Android Studio - Windows PC

    • Install IntelliJ IDEA - MAC

    • Install Android IntelliJ - Linux Ubuntu

    • Installing Android Studio - Linux Ubuntu

    • How to Import Kotlin Code/Resources into IntelliJ

    • Kotlin Source Code - GitHub

    • IntelliJ Updates

    • Update to Kotlin 1.2

  • Kotlin Basics

    • Kotlin - How to Make Comments in Your Code

    • Kotlin Variable type Int

    • Kotlin - Variable type - Double

    • Kotlin Variable type Boolean

    • Kotlin - Variable type - Float

    • Kotlin Char Variable Types

    • Kotlin - Difference between Var and Val Keywords

    • Kotlin - How to Read Input with readLine Method - App - Store Conversation

    • Kotlin - Subtraction

    • Kotlin - Multiplying Numbers

    • Kotlin - Division

    • Kotlin - Remainder

    • Incrementing and Decrementing

    • How to Convert Between Data Types

  • Conditional Statements and Loops

    • Conditional operators (<,>, ==, !=, <=, >=)

    • If-else Statements and Conditional operators

    • Logical Operators (AND, OR, NOT)

    • When Expression

    • For Loop

    • While Loop

    • Do while Loop

    • App - How Many Siblings?

    • Functions With Parameters

    • Functions Return Types

    • Functions - No return Type, No parameters

    • Variable Scope

  • Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin

    • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming - OOP - What's a Class?

    • Let's Create our First Class

    • Setters and Getters

    • Inheritance - Introduction

    • Inheritance

    • Overloading Constructors

    • Controlling Access to fields (Instance Variables - Properties)

    • Kotlin - Class Extension

    • Nested Classes

    • Inner Classes

    • Overloading Operators + Challenge

    • Interface Classes

    • Abstract Classes

    • Generic Classes

    • Enums in Kotlin

  • Arrays and File Handling

    • What's an Array - Creating Arrays in Kotlin

    • Create Arrays and Iterate Through

    • Arrays - Part 2

    • Array Lists

    • Hashmaps

    • MapOf, Arrayof, MutableList

    • Writing to Files (Text Files)

    • Writing to File with User Input and Appending Characters

    • Reading from Text Files

    • App - Writing a Reader-Write App

  • Android Studio Basics

    • Installing the Android Studio and Setup Kotlin and Run First App

    • Android Studio Quick Tour

    • Android Studio Tour - File Structure, Manifest, Strings

    • App - What's My Name

    • TextViews, EditText, and Buttons - Enter Name and Show name

    • Enter Name and Show - Final

    • String.xml, Manifest and Android Studio File

  • User Interface Design

    • Android Toast and Context Class

    • App - How Much Do You Weigh on Different Planets?

    • Adding Images to Our Apps - Why we Use Kotlin Extensions Plugin, ImageViews, ImageFilter

    • Adding Images to Our Apps - App - App - Random Background Colors

    • Layouts - LinearLayout

    • Styles and Themes in Android

  • Activity and Fragment Lifecycle

    • Context in Android and Toast Class

    • What's an Activity?

    • Activity lifecycle

    • Navigating from One Activity to Another

    • Passing Data between Activities

    • Passing data back to the first Activity

    • App - Animals Bio

    • Introduction to Listviews - Demo

    • How do Listviews Work? - Adapters and Listviews

    • RecyclerView and it’s working

    • Adding Event Listeners to Each Row

  • Data Persistence in Android

    • Introduction to Databases in Android - Kotlin - SQLite

    • App - Chores - Demo

    • App - Chores - User Interface

    • App - Chores - Database handler Class

    • App - Chores - Add and Retrieve a Chore

    • App - Chores - Finalize CRUD Functions

    • App - Chores - Saving User Input to Database

    • App - Chores - Custom Listrow - User Interface

    • App - Chores - Recycler Adapter

    • App - Chores - Showing Chores on Recycler Adapter

    • App - Chores - Adding Toolbar Add Button

    • App - Chores - Create Custom Popup

    • App - Chores - Saving Chore From Popup

    • App - Chores - Deleting Chore

    • App - Chores - Final Touches

  • Networking and API Integration

    • Introduction to HTTP Request and JSON and Networking in Android

    • What's an Android Library?

    • Volley String Request

    • Volley JSON ArrayRequest

    • Volley JSON ObjectRequest

    • App - Recipe Finder - Demo

    • App - Recipe Finder - User Interface

    • App - Recipe Finder - RecyclerAdapter

    • App - Recipe Finder - Parsing Recipes

    • App - Recipe Finder - Show Recipes on RecyclerView

  • Firebase Integration

    • Firebase - Introduction to Cloud-Based Services - Setup

    • Firebase - Read Values from the Firebase Database

    • Firebase - Save Objects and Use Push

    • Firebase - Login User With Email and Password

    • Firebase - Create Account

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Demo

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Setup UI

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Login

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Create Account UI

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Login Users Code

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Check User - Login

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - TabLayout ViewPager

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Settings Screen Setup

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Settings Activity

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Status Activity

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Settings Get Image

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Save Images to Firebase

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Showing all Users

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Chat Activity

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Setup Chat Activity

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Sending and Showing Chats

    • WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Final Product

  • Creating Apps

    • Developer Portfolio App - Demo

    • Theme and Colors - Branding

    • User Interface Setup

    • UI and TabLayout

    • Finalizing User Interface and Creating Fragments

    • Setup PagerAdapter Class

    • Wiring it all Up

    • Final Touches and Product

    • App Demo

    • Intro to Motivational App

    • User Interface Setup

    • Volley Library Setup and App Controller

    • Fetching Data from the Remote API

    • Setup Data Classes

    • Setup Fragments and Viewpager Class

    • Fix Previous Error!

    • Final Product - Motivational App

  • Advanced Topics

    • Introduction to Drawing on Screen

    • Drawing Circles

    • Drawing Images - Bitmaps

    • Custom TextViews

    • Intro to Breathe App

    • User Interface Setup

    • Setup Animation Library

    • Setup Shared Preferences - Saving data on Device

    • Finalizing the App

    • Final Product - Breathe App

    With hands-on projects and real-world applications, this course goes beyond the basics, ensuring a deep understanding of Android development principles. Learn to create seamless user interfaces, implement efficient data persistence with SQLite, and integrate external APIs for dynamic app functionalities.

    Join us on this comprehensive journey to becoming a proficient Android developer.

What You Will Learn!

  • Students learn essential Kotlin concepts for Android development, covering variables, data types, and control flow.
  • Mastery of OOP principles, including class creation, inheritance, and interfaces, empowers students to build scalable and organized Android apps.
  • Hands-on experience in Android Studio guides students in creating visually appealing user interfaces with elements like TextViews, EditText, and Buttons.
  • Skills in SQLite databases enable effective data management—CRUD operations—for Android app development.
  • Students gain expertise in networking, mastering HTTP requests, JSON handling, and API integration, culminating in practical application for seamless data inter

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Programmers: This course is designed for individuals with little to no programming experience who aspire to enter the world of Android app development. The curriculum starts with foundational Kotlin programming concepts, making it accessible for beginners.
  • Aspiring Android Developers: It caters to individuals with a keen interest in Android app development using Kotlin. The comprehensive content covers everything from basic programming to advanced topics, providing a holistic learning experience.
  • Students and Enthusiasts: Whether enrolled in a formal educational program or learning independently, students and tech enthusiasts looking to specialize in Android development will find this course beneficial.
  • Programmers Transitioning to Kotlin: For those already familiar with programming in other languages, especially Java, this course serves as a practical transition to Kotlin, the modern language of choice for Android development.
  • Professionals Seeking Skill Enhancement: Professionals in related fields who wish to enhance their skill set by acquiring Android development skills will find the course valuable, providing practical knowledge applicable in the industry.
  • Anyone Interested in App Development: Individuals with a general interest in mobile app development, specifically for the Android platform, will gain valuable insights and hands-on experience to kickstart their app development journey.