Android Jetpack: Room, Navigation and Data Binding

Room database, Fragment Navigation and layout data binding

Ratings: 4.53 / 5.00


Learn how to use Jetpack Room, Navigation and Data Binding with this quick and efficient course.

Most tutorials online talk about these libraries but don't show you how you would actually implement them.

In this course we will implement these 3 libraries in a practical application. This will be a note taking app, that stores the notes in a local database. We will create, read, update and delete data from a local database.

The app navigation is implemented using the new Android Navigation library.

Finally, we will display the data using the Data Binding library.

We will go through a bit of theory, before starting to apply these concepts in the practical application.

Sign up today, and let's learn how to use the Room, Navigation and Data Binding libraries.

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Highly rated instructor with over 10.000 active students and growing monthly.

What You Will Learn!

  • Android Jetpack
  • Room database
  • Android Navigation
  • Data Binding library
  • Theoretical knowledge
  • Practical application

Who Should Attend!

  • Android developers