Angular | İleri Seviye
NgRx Framework - Publish - Component architecture - ?
Angula Publish
Publishing an Angular application is a crucial step in making your web application accessible to users. It involves preparing your application for deployment, optimizing its performance, and deploying it to a production environment. In this article, we will walk through the process of publishing an Angular application, covering important considerations and best practices along the way.
Optimizing Bundle Size
Environment-specific Settings
Lazy Loading Modules
NgRx Framework
1. Introduction to ngrx
Overview of state management in Angular applications
Introduction to Redux architecture and principles
Benefits of using ngrx for state management
2. ngrx Store
Understanding the concept of the Store in ngrx
Setting up the ngrx Store in an Angular application
Dispatching actions and updating the store state
Retrieving state from the store in components
3. Actions
Defining actions in ngrx
Different types of actions: simple actions, payload actions, and meta actions
Dispatching actions from components
Using action creators to generate actions
4. Reducers
Introduction to reducers and their role in ngrx
Writing reducer functions to handle dispatched actions
Combining reducers using the combineReducers utility
Handling multiple pieces of state using multiple reducers
5. Selectors
Understanding the purpose of selectors in ngrx
Creating selectors to retrieve specific data from the store
Composing selectors for more complex data retrieval
Utilizing selectors in components for efficient state access
6. Effects
Introduction to effects and their purpose in ngrx
Setting up effects to handle asynchronous operations
Dispatching actions from effects
Handling side effects such as HTTP requests and database operations
Component Architecture
What You Will Learn!
- Angular uygulamalarının nasıl publish edileceğini öğreneceksiniz.
- Angular uygulamanızı farklı ortamlara göre nasıl publish edileceğini öğreneceksiniz.
- NgRx framework'ün store paketi ile uygulama state'lerinin nasıl tutulacağını öğreneceksiniz
- NgRx framework'ün effect paketi ile side effect'leri nasıl yöneteceğinizi öğreneceksiniz
- Component mimarisinin nasıl inşa edilebileceğini öğreneceksiniz
Who Should Attend!
- İleri seviye angular konularını öğrenmek isteyenlere yöneliktir.