Angularjs for Beginners

This course teaches Angularjs i.e. Angular 1.X step by step.

Ratings: 3.79 / 5.00


This course teaches Angularjs 1.X version step by step, below are the topics covered :-

Lab 1:- $scope, $rootscope, controller, models, expression & debugging.

Lab 2 :- Digest Cycle, watchers, One time, $watch and $apply.

Lab 3 :- Services and Factory

Lab 4 :- Using $http service with WebAPI as back end.

Lab 5 :- Custom Directives, Restrict and Isolation Scope.

Lab 6:- Deferred and Promises.

Lab 7 :- Angular Unit Testing using Jasmine.

Lab 8 :- Implementing SPA using Angular Route and Angular UI Router.

Lab 9 :- Emit, BroadCast and On Events.

Lab 10 :- Filters in Angular.

Lab 11 :- JQuery with AngularJS.

Lab 12 :- Dot Rule and Controller AS Keyword.

Lab 13:- Angular Provider (Constant, Values, Provider, Service and Decorator).

What You Will Learn!

  • They will learn AngularJS i.e. Angular 1.X .
  • $scope, $rootscope, controller, models, expression , Digest cycle , watchers , $watch and $apply.
  • services , factory , services vs factory , $http,Custom Directives, Restrict , Isolation Scope,deferred , promises
  • SPA , Routing , Filters , unit testing with jasmine,Emit , broadcast,Angular Provider (Constant, Values, Provider, Service and Decorator).

Who Should Attend!

  • Students who want to learn AngularJS i.e. Angular 1.X