Apologetics 101

Your Defense Against the Dark Side

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Have you ever wanted to be more effective at engaging others in conversations about your faith? Do you struggle to share your faith with others, or just freeze when people ask you why you believe what you do? Perhaps you just have difficulty talking to others about topics that are difficult such as religion, politics, or relationships. Maybe you engage in debates that challenge your ideas and want to have a better system of response. This course offers a simple three step process to aid in having those difficult conversations. Whether engaged in a formal debate or just having a casual conversation on the street sharing your faith can be difficult, but not if you have the right tools and approach to do so effectively. Whether the conversation is difficult or not, the methods you will learn in this course are not only simple and effective, but they will help improve your relationships with others no matter how close or far away from your personally they are. This approach will help you be a better communicator overall, be it with friends, family, coworkers, strangers, or anyone else you may come in contact with. How you approach others matters so why not maximize that opportunity to share your faith and ideas in a way that actually works!

What You Will Learn!

  • What Apologetics is and what it is not
  • How to have difficult conversations with those who believe something different from you
  • How and when to start, maintain, and end an Apologetic conversation
  • How to prepare for Apologetic conversations through effective ways to study scripture
  • How the identify key points in the Bible through scriptural interconnections

Who Should Attend!

  • This course comes from a Christian evangelist viewpoint, however, it is for anyone and everyone who wishes to learn more about Apologetics and having tough conversations with others as a whole.