(Oxford) Diploma in Art Therapy and Watercolour Painting(s)

Art Therapy to help interpret, express, and resolve emotions you feel when creating (or viewing) Watercolour Paintings.

Ratings: 4.74 / 5.00



If there are low enrolments on this course this means that:

1. This is a very new course

2. I have NOT given away thousands of free coupons to create an impression that huge numbers of students have enrolled

3. Also the majority of those with free coupons never look at any lectures and certainly do not participate in the Q/A!

Now, read on about the course.

This course is in two large sections. The first section we look at watercolour painting. That is the actual act of painting. And then the interpretation and understanding of the artwork you have produced (numerous exercises throughout the course). Therefore we look at a variety of techniques - what they mean rather than HOW to paint but WHAT you have painted MEANS.

This is an art therapy course; not a painting course.

For example we consider: n watercolour painting what might the following represent:

  • Animals

  • Weather and celestial elements

  • Body parts

  • Paths or roads.

  • Clouds

  • Birds

  • Moon

  • Stars

  • Rain or Rainbows

  • Oceans, Rivers, Lakes

  • Trees

    The second half of the course we look at paintings by established masters - and we look closely at such paintings and what the paintings mean. This second half also includes an extract from a painting class where we look at the explanation (and interpretation) of a watercolour painting of lemons - and one of (what looks like) a golf course.

All hugely interesting!

PLUS! This course comes with a manual so you could print it out and do the exercises when not watching the I(hugely absorbing) lectures. It's up to you but what is important is that you realise that this is a DOING course i.e. one that encourages participation. Also that it will not teach you HOW to paint but it will help you understand WHAT your painting means...about you.

What You Will Learn!

  • Interpreting own artwork
  • Interpreting the artwork of famous artists
  • Engage in a journey of self-exploration and awareness
  • Interpret the work of others - on an emotional level

Who Should Attend!

  • All interested in the hidden meanings of art
  • All interested in increasing self-awareness by analysis of their own artwork
  • Those curious about the amotions behind artwork