Ultimate EKS Course For Docker, Terraform and Helm Experts'

Operate EKS Kubernetes at Production Scale with Terraform, Helm, Ingress, Jenkins, Prometheus, Grafana, Helmfile

Ratings: 3.91 / 5.00


<<<<  DISCLAIMER: If you are not familiar with Docker, you may find this course hard. Please think twice before purchase   >>>>


A production experience with kubernetes on AWS has been summarized for you in few minutes !

We designed this course for anyone seeking to setup a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS for production workload , and reuse this setup with any other AWS account or any other Cloud Provider.

We believe that Production requires reliability , while reliability requires codification of all operations.

From this principle, we designed this course to explain how you operate a Kubernetes cluster on production namely with AWS EKS using the most relevant "As-Code" Techs:

- Terraform : Infra as Code

- Helm : Kubernetes Apps as Code

- Helmfile: Helm Releases as Code

- Docker-compose: Containers as Code for executing some CLIs.

- Jenkinsfile : Pipeline  as Code

By the end of the course, :

  • You will be Able to Setup a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS quickly and effectively

  • You will be Comfortable to Reproduce your infrastructure with any other Cloud provider.

  • You will be able to make your kubernetes cluster ready for production workload by deploying core applications like: prometheus, grafana, metrics-server, cluster-autoscaler, Ingress and others.

  • you will be able to develop Helm Chart for your own applications and release your apps to Kubernetes Cluster via Helm

  • You will able to leverage Software-Development-Lifecycle to operate your cluster like a Software Developer.

  • You will be  able to setup a CI/CD system like  Jenkins , ready for production CI/CD pipelines workload, with integration with Github,  Oauth  and others.

What You Will Learn!

  • Design & Run well-architected an AWS EKS Cluster based on High-Availability & Cost effectiveness
  • DevOps Environment for Kubernetes Cluster
  • Use Terraform as Infrastructure-as-Code to Provision the Kubernetes Cluster on AWS
  • Use Helm as Infrastructure-as-Code to release Kubernetes applications
  • Install Core Applications on Kubernetes Cluster like Prometheus, Grafana and others
  • Authenticate to AWS EKS Cluster effectively
  • Run CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins with Production setup & Github integration

Who Should Attend!

  • Any Software Developer who wants to containerize his applications and continuously release them to Kubernetes
  • Any SysOps engineer with Kubernetes basic knowledge who wants to effectively operate Kubernetes Clusters on production.
  • A Site Reliability engineer or DevOps engineer who seeks for codifying all Kubernetes Operations and make them as Code.
  • An Architect who seeks for a distributed system architecture with High Availability and Cost-effectiveness