Basic Knitting English II: all about socks(襪子基礎編織英文)
Key concepts to sock knitting.
本基礎課程涵蓋編織襪子需要具備的知識,包括測量篇及基本概念篇,是Super Basic Cuff-down Socks (極度基礎毛線襪編織英文解析)完整版課程之基礎內容大集合,適合學習預算有限、不需要一針一線帶領的編織學習者。
1. Measuring matters 測量篇
- Gauge swatch for socks(襪子織片密度)
- QA for swatch in round(圈織織片問答)
- Measure your foot size(測量腳尺寸)
2. Basic concepts about sock knitting 基本概念篇
- Map of socks (襪子地圖)
- Knit in round(圈織)
- Magic loop (長輪針圈織)
- Read the pattern(閱讀織圖)
- Find your size(決定尺寸)
- Pattern examples (織圖實例說明)
- My sock needles(常用襪針介紹)
3. And Beyond 驚喜番外篇
What You Will Learn!
- You would be able to read English sock knitting patterns, and make socks that fit. 將來能看懂喜歡的英文襪子織圖,並能順利找出適合的尺寸。
- You would be able to navigate your way in the English knitting community. 能悠遊在英文編織世界裡,充分利用豐富的英文編織資源
Who Should Attend!
- Mandarin speakers who'd like to learn how to knit in English. 能說中文(國語,普通話),並想學習編織襪子的人
- You can be either beginner or skilled knitters, as long as you want to learn Knitting in English! 編織新手或高手都可以,想透過自學挑戰英文織圖的人最適合!