Basic Mathematics


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Basic Mathematics course is lunched to enable learners improve in their level of understanding Mathematics. Mathematics is the system and structure of academics around us. Why basic mathematics? Simply put, you use basic mathematics almost every day of your life. You use it at home, on the job, or when you go to school.

Mathematics can be seen as a pyramid because every new skill requires an understanding of prerequisites to do well. For instance, before, one can learn how to add numbers with 3 digits, such as 236 + 145, it is important to know how to add numbers with just one digit or two such as 2 + 5 or 24 + 30.

Similarly, before learning one could learn pre-algebra, a good understanding of basic mathematics is very important. And before learning algebra, a solid understanding of pre-algebra seems to be a must.

My desire is to teach you the basic understanding of mathematics, but above all I want to teach you to be free from the fear of mathematics and to be your best teacher.

You will notice that when I teach any lesson, I explain a lot. I do this to give you a deep understanding of any topic in mathematics that I treated in this course. Therefore, if you are looking for a quick shortcut then, my course is not for you because it is designed to challenge you and teach you to a great extent to be able to teach someone else.

In the end, your basic mathematics knowledge will be strong and you will be very much prepared to handle algebra or any other higher level math courses in future.

Basic mathematics is nothing, but the simple or basic concept related with mathematics. Generally, counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are called the basic math operation. The other mathematical concept is built on top of the above 4 operations. These concepts along with different type of numbers, factors, LCM and HCF makes students ready for learning fraction.

Along with the concept of these operation, we need to understand the different properties of these operation as well as relation among these operations.

In my course, I believe that to enhance and imbibe these concepts, it is good to practice math-problem using step-by-step math practice test and worksheets which are already available for you as you begin your class.

One can understand the application of these concept and their use in practical life through the word problems.

Math has a separate place among all subjects. A student must have some basic knowledge about math whether he or she belongs to the arts, science or commerce stream. Having some basic ideas about math will not only help to secure good marks in the academic exam but will also help you in the future. However, it is noticed that these days, many students are not interested in studying math because of its complexity. But I have the best solution for this, you will learn and you will never forget.

You will find a complete list of the topics as you progress in this course, and you will be able to access them easily. The topics are discussed thoroughly with lots of examples and explanations. There are assessments and quizzes to test your understanding as you progress. 

What You Will Learn!

  • • Know and demonstrate understanding of basic concepts from the branches of mathematics (number, arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, statistics and
  • • Use appropriate mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations including those in real-life contexts
  • • Select and apply general rules correctly to solve problems including those in real-life contexts.
  • • Learn basic mathematical terms
  • Be able solve problems involving addition, multiplication, subtraction and division

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner in Mathematics and intermediate learners.