Become a LinkedIn Power User: Networking and Lead Generation

Are you to expand your network or generate new leads? LinkedIn is the place you to be and this class will show you how.

Ratings: 3.35 / 5.00


LinkedIn is an extremely powerful tool for anyone looking to expand their network or generate more leads, but you have to know how to use it correctly. Too many people hop onto the platform and get overwhelmed or frustrated with low results and too much time wasted. This course is designed to teach you how to become a "Power User" on LinkedIn and how to reap the benefits it can provide.

My company, Hosskey Consulting, uses LinkedIn as our top referral source for new clients (over 75% of our clients were generated from LinkedIn introductions). This course is going to show you how I use LinkedIn on a daily basis to expand my network and find new prospect. I will be sharing my tips, tricks, and advice on how to connect with the right people, build the relationship, and make your life easier.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile
  • Learn the basics of the platform LinkedIn
  • Understand how and why to join groups on LinkedIn
  • Learn about the different mobile apps that can make your life easier via Linkedin
  • Understand how to build your network correctly on LinkedIn
  • Turn a cold call into a warm one using LinkedIn
  • Understand and prevent the time wasting that can happen on LinkedIn
  • And much much more!

Who Should Attend!

  • Business Professionals
  • Outside Sales Reps
  • Inside Sales Reps
  • Networkers
  • Small Business Owners
  • Business Owners
  • Job Seekers
  • Marketing Professionals
  • CEOs
  • Anyone wanting to learn how to use LinkedIn