Become a Modern Edison: Inventing for Fun & Passive Income!

Learn to become an inventor in the new global economy to create new streams of income or quit your job altogether!

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Happily I've discovered a process to take almost any product idea or invention I have and turn it into a reality.  Even better, it's easy to then sell these new products on autopilot while you come up withy our next big idea or sip mai-tais on the beach.  I had to share it! 

I know it can feel like all the good invention ideas are already taken - but I can't emphasize enough how with the power of the Internet - there REALLY has never been a better time to invent than TODAY.  I look forward to having you join me on the road to becoming a modern-day Edison : )   

What You Will Learn!

  • Become an invention idea generating machine
  • Confirm whether your invention is feasible to manufacture
  • Create invention designs in 2D and 3D with the help of specialists around the world
  • Manufacture samples and full production runs of your invention
  • Automate sales and fulfillment of your inventions for passive income
  • Market and launch your invention to feed your money machine for the long haul

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to create more regardless of their current career - Corporate employees, Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, and "Wantrepreneurs"