Bedtime is a nightmare? Get parent help- make nighttime easy

Handling bedtime and during the night with confidence.

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This is THE MANUAL for parenting.

Are you struggling with your child's behaviour at bedtime and during the night?

Not sure what to do?

Do you keep changing your strategy?

Are you inconsistent with your strategies or have inconsistency between your strategy and your co-parents' strategy?

This is it!

The "how to" of parenting.

The instruction manual that you always hoped would come with your child.

All these courses are based on Positive Parenting (from Triple P)

This is a style of parenting with no punishment.

All behaviour can be changed to positive behaviour - the behaviour we want to see.

The theory is that if we reward the behaviour we want and ignore the behaviour* we don't want then we are encouraging positive behaviours .

This works fantastically in practice, it is not just a hopeful plan - it is one that works!

They are bite size videos.

Especially set up for busy parents.

The videos will seem short, and straight foward - because they are!

It is all about the implementation.

So do not fall into the trap of thinking there is any less in this course because there is less video time!

What you are getting is a tried and tested way to improve your parenting and the confidence in your parenting. And therefore the behaviour of your child/ren

Watch one video at a time.

Some lessons have a pdf attached to help you. They contain an exercise to complete.

Complete the course in order (don't skip!)

Implement what you learn.

Be consistent and maintain your boundaries.

Be firm and clear

Often you will see almost immediate results. However some behaviours take more time and consistency.

Add in praise and the reward will be greater.

This programme will assist you to gain confidence to handle bedtimes.

These courses are non-judgemental.

They are very understanding of the stresses of parents.

They come with compassion.

This means rather than feeling that you've made mistakes, they show empathy and understanding and help you tweak your parenting.

*the only behaviour we don't ignore is dangerous behaviour. For this - we remove the child from the situation. We need them to calm down before we can continue.

This is one of four videos - for common problems:


Fighting and aggression


Dealing with disobedience

What You Will Learn!

  • This IS the PARENTING MANUAL you have been waiting for
  • Learn how to get your child to go to bed
  • Learn how to teach your child to sleep
  • Feel confident in your parenting
  • Learn to parent consistently
  • Learn how to get your child to be obedient, the focus of this course being obedience at bedtime.
  • Learn how to get your child to re-settle during the night

Who Should Attend!

  • Suitable for those looking after children.
  • Suitable for parents, grandparents, caregivers and teachers.
  • Suitable for those wanting guidance
  • Suitable for those who want more confidence in their parenting