Begin Microprocessors from Scratch (8086)
Microprocessor from very basic
Welcome to the world of Microprocessors!
The journey was started in 1971 by Intel 4004 & upon constant research a Year of Hardwork they made 8008 in 1972 then 8080 in 1974 and finally 8085 followed by 8080 in 1976 but they all have 8 bit processor which was slow as per our needs., Officially the fast full processor came as the BOSS "8086" the 16bit microprocessor in 1978 which revolutionized the Microprocessors & its evolution Changed the entire course of the History.
Intel's IC never looked back after this!
So why i just told you the story?
Well This is about the continuous hardwork, effort, failures, research and development and then success. Which made our devices small, fast, portable, compact & robust.
What i like the most About the Microprocessors is that they never get Outdated! Its just getting updated by its generations so that our devices get evolve & more complex softwares can run easily., but that wont make the earlier processors outdated or idle.
Just imagine a traffic light system it requires very simple program to run on the basis of time it has to switch on and off the lights. On for green is Off for red and vice versa. So do you think it requires latest processors with millions and millions of processing per cycle of time. "NO" so for that we can use a simple processors.
In this way as per the complexity increases so as we update our processors for that devices. So in engineering world usually everyone starts with 8085 or the most famous 8086 Microprocessor. That builds the foundation and on that basis & with more semiconductor electronics & science research. We just update the older ones to functions as per our complex programming needs or instructions to command any machine.
Pentium which became household name bring up graphics the world shifted from DOS to Windows. Multimedia and storage with multiple pipelining & 66MHZ to 99MHZ frequency with virtual memory capacity of 64TB. Haha yea i know i know hard to believe right for something came in 1993 (Pentium I) have such thing but i am not talking about Physical memory, and that makes it different.
And also as our knowledge & algorithms improve, we improve our microprocessors & microcontrollers.
In this course:
Learn the Basics of:
Basics of Microprocessors
History of Microprocessors
8085 Vs 8086
8086 architecture
pin diagram 8086 vs 8085
The motivation of making this new course came from the response i recieved in "Master Digital Electronics from Basic to Advance"
The first full length 23.5 + hour course & this kind of responses
Rating: 5.0
"that is so proud to learn about the electric ,diod ,electron, else"
*Roger A.
Rating: 5.0
"Great course so far. I'm enjoying this experience"
And more like these.. .]
The couse is still in its initial days with students growing but the response is enough for making me full of gratitude & bring in new and more worked and efforts to come up with a full length course on Microprocessors with more commitment & devotion lets together learn awesome!
Well i am glad it sailed and to serve from my part i am bringing up this new course with my gratitude for all the people and all my students who trust on me.
What You Will Learn!
- Objectives of Microprocessors
- Importance of Microprocessors
- Functioning of Microprocessors
- Pin diagram of 8086
- Architecture of 8086
- Core funtionalities & differentations
- Summary
Who Should Attend!
- Computer Science engineering
- Digital electronics engineers
- Electronics engineering
- Engineering minds
- Anyone who wants to learn IOT
- Science Student