Beginner Yoga Course : Practice Foundation Yoga Asanas

Learn beginner yoga poses from certified 20 year instructor

Ratings: 3.50 / 5.00


This beginner's yoga course is a program designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of yoga. As a beginner, it can seem overwhelming to take on the challenge of learning yoga. That's why it's important to have a solid foundation in the basics before diving in. Without a solid foundation, you may find yourself struggling with the more complex postures. Additionally, a proper foundation will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice with greater ease and understanding.

The goal of a beginner's yoga course is to provide you with the basic understanding and skills necessary to start your yoga practice safely and effectively.

  • The course will teach you 20 beginner yoga poses and 9 intermediate yoga poses.

  • Gives you the tools and techniques to manage stress and anxiety.

  • It can help you foster a deeper connection to your body, mind, and spirit.

  • Give you insights from 20 years of experience.

  • Short easy to follow pose breakdown practice videos.

Each pose includes an accompanying encyclopedia description that includes:

Sanskrit / English Name/Other Names

Pose Type & Style




Contraindications and Cautions

Variations, Tips and Modifications

Alignment, Gaze & Chakras

Preparatory Poses & Counter Pose

When starting out, it is important to focus on the basics. Here are yoga poses you will learn in the beginner yoga course.

Bound Angle

Cow Face Pose

Half Lord Of The Fishes

One Legged King Pigeon

Tortoise Pose

Upward Salute

Standing Forward Bend

Downward Facing Dog

Low Lunge

Garland Pose

Side Angle Pose

Revolved Crescent Lunge

Chair Pose

Eagle Pose

Warrior 2

Gate Pose

Revolved Half Moon

Cat Pose

Side Plank

Bridge Pose

Puppy Pose

Two Legged Inverted Staff Pose

Wind Relieving

Supine Spinal Twist

Flying Pigeon

Tripod Headstand


Extended Child's Pose

Seated Forward Bend

This beginner yoga course is designed to help new practitioners and new yoga teachers.

You will have a deep understanding  of poses, benefits, principles of alignment and some history

It includes a variety of poses that increase in difficulty over time. This allows beginners to gradually build their strength, flexibility and endurance. This incremental approach helps to prevent injury and ensure that each pose is practiced correctly.

To get the most out of the beginner yoga course

Be open to learning: It is important to stay open-minded and be willing to try new things.

Listen to your body: It is important to listen to your body and honor its limits. If a pose is too difficult or uncomfortable, simply modify it or come out of it.

Practice regularly: Practicing regularly will help you to build your strength and flexibility and will also help to keep your practice fresh and interesting.

Yoga is an incredibly beneficial practice that can help to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. As a beginner, it is important to have a solid foundation in the basics before diving in. This yoga course is a great way to build that foundation. Don't forget to have fun! Yoga is meant to be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience, so make sure to enjoy yourself.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn 29 Beginner yoga poses
  • Go from beginner to intermediate
  • Learn history and philosophy
  • Get pose breakdown videos
  • Includes encyclopedia yoga pose

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner yoga practitioners
  • Beginner yoga teachers