Beginners guide to Discerning the Holy Spirit

The Companion to the book Hey Are You There? It's Me- God, let's dive into the Holy Spirit!

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Is God Really Trying to Get Your Attention?
Can you actually manage to “Listen, Test and Know When God Speaks?”

David Chotka’s answer to these questions is an emphatic “Yes!”
If that is true, then:

  • What is it like to hear that voice?

  • What are the indicators that we are “on track” rather than “in left field”?

  • How can we know we are actually hearing God, and not merely our own thinking?

If you need those questions answered then this six-week adventure is for you.

This course is based as a companion to the book Hey Are You There? It's Me- GOD! 

Dr. David Chotka is the founder and director of Spirit-Equip Ministries—an organization designed to help you grow your spiritual disciplines one small step at a time . He serves as the co-chair of the Alliance Pray! Team and for more than 25 years, has taught prayer principles and equipping both nationally and internationally. In his role with APT, Chotka is the principal author of the Transform Prayer! Course—a resource which has been translated into French, Mandarin and Cantonese . In addition, Dr. David has been a Lead Pastor for 30+ years, has preached in 17 countries to crowds large and small, teaching on such topics as Healing Prayer, Prayerful Discernment, Spiritual Gifts and their use, and Unearthing the Depths of the Lord’s Prayer. He has four earned degrees, including a Masters degree in Biblical Studies from Regent College in Vancouver and a Doctoral degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. His latest book, Healing Prayer is God’s Idea (co-written with Rev. Dr. Maxie Dunnam) became a #1 best-selling Amazon title. He lives in southwestern Ontario, Canada, is married to Elizabeth, has two adult children, plays the piano for fun, and lets his 14-pound dog take him for a walk from time to time.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn The Very Basics Of Prayer and Discernment
  • Hear Real Examples Of When God Spoke to Others
  • Learn To Test Whether It Is God or Life Getting In the Way
  • How to Discern As a Group Praying For Others

Who Should Attend!

  • The course is designed for all Christian's in any stage of their walk with God.