Beginners Guide To Filthy Negotiating

How To Get What You Want Without Making Enemies

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Learn how to negotiate like a pro and have people love you for it.

What Is Good negotiation

Attack the ball not the player

Develop emotional intelligence so people will do whatever you ask them

How to stop people from manipulating you

What do you do when you have no leverage?

How to "crack open" people to find out what they really want.

Why price objections are usually fake objections

Why you should be nice to waitresses and janitors

How to create client focussed options

What happens when a stubborn person creates a deadlock?

A skilled negotiator will often use a fake objection to hide their real position.

Often price is used as a cover for something else altogether. So if you fall for it and drop your price, your problems have just compounded. Not only have you slashed any potential profitability, you are completely oblivious to the real position that your opponent is taking. You will learn the hard way when your opponent continues to stall even after the price has been dropped. Now your opponent has the upper hand. They have reduced the price and are in a position to push it down further. It is at this point that they will reveal their true position. For example they may say, "I like your price but the problem I have is that I need the software to run on all our systems, we don't use Windows that much. We also have Linux and Mac systems" Now if you had known that early you could have easily accommodate this request. You had sufficient profit in the deal to contract your software engineers to create a customized solution that will run on every system. But you blew it. You failed to crack open the prospect. They didn't really care about the price, they cared about cross system compatibility. They probably will not consent to a price increase to get these features. The first mistake was to easily fold on your quoted price. A skilled negotiator will understand that they need to test this objection to see if it is genuine.

Much more.

What You Will Learn!

  • What is Filthy Negotiating?
  • Attack the ball not the player when negotiating.
  • Crack open your prospects to find the real objections.
  • Increase your emotional intelligence to become more liked.
  • Learn how to create objection focussed options.
  • What to do when you have no leverage.
  • Dealing with deadlocks to keep the deal alive.
  • How to deflect manipulative tactics.

Who Should Attend!

  • Sales people and entrepreneurs