
This course covers Best 150 Multiple Choice Questions in C with clear explanation which is useful for the candidates  who are preparing for placements and for the students who wants to get thorough knowledge in C. Check your knowledge in C by watching this videos clearly. My suggestion is, see the question and pause it and guess the answer then continue the video so that you asses your knowledge in C.All these questions are asked in TOP MNC placement recruitment tests and All india GATE exams in Computer science.. The topics covered are 1.Operators in C(arithmetic operators and logical operators, Bit-wise operators,Relational operators,Assignment operators and Ternary operator)  2. Selection statements(simple-if, if-else, nested-if and switch cases) 3.Loops in C(while,do-while and for) 4.Arrays(1-dimensional and 2-dimensional) 5.strings (String manipulation functions)6.Functions(storage classes ,special questions on static keyword) 7.Pointers (Pointer arithmetic and proficience in pointers) 8.Structures and Unions and enumerations. These question are for beginners as well as to the students have medium knowledge in C language, Please go through basics before watching these 150 Questions. These Questions gives the immense knowledge in C.Some questions are very tricky. You will questions like how the output changes when you write switch inside for loop.

What You Will Learn!

  • Tricky MCQ'S in C
  • Learning how operators works differently
  • How switch case works
  • How nested printf works

Who Should Attend!

  • Candidates preparing for Campus placements.
  • Students who wants to get thorough knowledge in C.