Microcontroller & Embedded System Design in C & Assembly

with Tens of Practical Projects in C and MCS-51 Assembly Language using several simulators (Proteus, Edsim51, Multisim)

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I can assure you that this is the most practical 8051 Course you will discover! It includes tens of real-world projects written in Assembly and C. Everything was discussed step by step with various examples, and you will learn where and when to apply the theoretical notions. There are several assignment tasks with solutions.

Are you new to the microcontroller world? Great! Begin with the basics, and I'll teach you all you need to know. Do you have some experience with microcontrollers and want to learn more? Fantastic! You may pick and choose the modules you require.

The course is laboratory-based. Almost every lecture and component of the course directly leads to a hands-on laboratory assignment with a solution. The more you practice with 8051 hardware and software, the more proficient you will become.

I use lots and lots of examples. I take you step-by-step through the lessons – each time providing sample code and documentation to make sure you are supported through the course.

The course does not waste your time. From the very beginning, we jump right into your first project – Let's Get Started.

I am here to help. I am an educator with a singular focus on providing a meaningful experience for my students. And, while I cannot do the work for you, I am willing to work WITH you to help you succeed.

What you’ll learn

  • Program microcontrollers with the Assembly and C programming languages.

  • Use several common output devices such as LED, 7-Segment, 16-Segment, Dot-matrix LED, LED bargraph, and LCD

  • Use several common input devices such as keys, push-buttons, and keypads

  • Use Timer/Counter and Interrupt Service Routine to create advanced systems.

  • Use analog-to-digital converter peripherals

  • Use a liquid crystal display (LCD)

  • Use the 8051 to develop embedded systems

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • No.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is meant for individuals who are not familiar with microcontrollers, the 8051, and/or the Assembly and C programming languages.

  • For more experienced individuals, the course will also expedite the learning curve for the 8051 and different simulators such as Proteus, NI-Multisim, and Edsim51.


Introduction to the Microcontrollers

What is a Microcomputer?

Arithmetic and Logical Instructions

Introductıon to 8051 Assembly Language and Addressıng Modes

Arithmetic Instructions: ADD, ADDC

Addition Example: Add several 8-bit data

Addition Example: Add two 16-bit data

Mul, Div. Inc and Dec Instructions

Logical Instructions: ANL, ORL, XRL, NOT, RR, RL, RLC and RRL

Addressing Modes + CJNE Instruction

LED Projects

Control 8 LEDs On/Off at the same time

Glowing a LED in a rotating sequence

Turning LEDs On/Off in a preset sequence by using a lookup table

Implementation in Proteus

7Segmeny Display Projects

What is 7-Segment and how to connect it to 8051?

8051 Projects in Assembly: Display numbers 0-9 on a 7seg in Proteus using a 7447

8051 Projects in Assembly: Display 0 to 9 on a 7seg by using a 7447 Decoder

8051 Projects in Assembly: Display BCD numbers on 7Seg in Multisim Simulator

8051 Projects in Assembly: Display a variable on 7seg + Display Even number

8051 Projects in Assembly: Lookup Table-Connecting a 7-segment directly to 8051

8051 Projects in Assembly: Down counter from 99 to 0

8051 Projects in Assembly: Counting a hex digit every second on the 7seg

8051 Projects in Assembly: Traffic Lights with displays

8051 Project in Assembly: Display Number 00 to 99 on a 2-digit 7seg in Multisim

Configure Keil C compiler in Proteus 8

8051 Projects in C: LEDs and 7segment Controlling with 8051 with Proteus

8051 Projects in C: 7segment and Up/Down Push buttons

8051 Projects in C: Display all divisors of a number on 7segment Display

8051 Projects in C: LEDs and 7segment Controlling in Proteus

Keys & LEDs Projects

8051 Projects in Assembly: How to Program and Control LED and Switch in 8051

8051 Project in Assembly: Check the status of 4keys & display a number on 7seg

8051 Project in C: Display the number of times a push-button is pressed on 7seg

8051 Projects in C: 7segment and Two Push buttons + 7447 Decoder

8051 Projects in C: Display a Hex Number on a 7segment by using a Lookup-table

8051 Projects in C: Display the number of times a push-button is pressed on 7seg

8051 Projects in C: 2 Push Buttons and a 7segment by using Lookup Table

Memory Dump

8051 Projects in Assembly: RAM Memory Dump

8051 Projects in Assembly: Rom Memory Dump

Timers in 8051

8051 Timer Programming in Assembly with Examples

What is a Timer?

How to Configure Timer/Counter in 8051

Timer Configuration Examples - Part 1

Timer Configuration Examples - Part 2

Timer Programming - Interrupt Service Routine

8051 Project in Assembly: Display Numbers on Multiplexed 7segment by using a Timer

Multiplexed 7Segment Display & Digital Clock Projects

How Multiplexed 7 Segment Display work?

Display a fixed number on a 4-digit Multiplexed 7-segment in 8051 Assembly code

Design a Digital Clock using a 4-digit Multiplexed 7-segment display in Proteus

8051 Projects in Assembly: Digital Clock by using Timer - Part I

8051 Projects in Assembly: Digital Clock by using Timer - Part II

8051 Projects in C: Display a 4-digit Number on a Multiplexed 7-segment with a Timer

8051 Projects in C: Display a 4-digit Number on a Multiplexed 7-segment with a Timer

8051 Project in C: Digital Clock in Proteus Simulator

Dot Matrix LED Projects

How to connect a Dot-Matrix LED to 8051?

Display a single character on an 8*8 Dot-matrix LED display

Display a single character on 8*8 Dot-matrix LED display Part 2

8051 Projects in Assembly: Display Numbers 0 to 9 on a Dot-Matrix LED Display

8051 Projects in C: Display Numbers 0 to 9 on a Dot-Matrix LED Display

8051 Projects in C: Display numbers on a Dot-Matrix LED display by using a Timer

16-segment Display - Build a Moving Message Display

Introduction to 16-segment Display

8051 Projects in Assembly: How to display a character on a 16-segment display?

8051 Projects in Assembly: Display a Fixed String on 16-Segment Display

8051 Projects in Assembly: Display a String word by word on a 16-segment Display

8051 Projects in Assembly: Create a Moving Message on a 16-Segment Display

8051 Projects in C: Display A-Z Characters on 16-segment LED Display

8051 Projects in C: show a fixed String on a Multiplexed 16-segment Display

String Manipulations

8051 Projects in Assembly: String Manipulation-Reverse a string

8051 Projects in Assembly: Convert a String to Uppercase

8051 Projects in Assembly: String Manipulation-Uppercase to Lowercase

8051 Projects in Assembly: Compute the length of a string in the Edsim51 simulator

LCD Projects

Interfacing LCD to 8051

8051 Projects in Assembly: Interfacing LCD to 8051 - Display a string on LCD

Interfacing LCD to 8051 - Display a string on LCD by using a function

8051 Projects in C: Interfacing LCD to 8051


Analog to Digital converter

introduction to ADC0804 and ADC0808

Interfacing ADC0804 with 8051 Microcontroller

8051 Projects in C & Assembly: Digital Thermometer wıth ADC0804 and LM35

Assembly Project: Thermometer with Displaying Msg According to the Temperature

Scan 4 LM35 sensors, find their max, min, and average values, and display them on LCD


How to scan a keypad?

Interfacing a 4*4 keypad to 8051 and scan it

8051 Projects in Assembly: Logical Calculator in NI Multisim

8051 Projects in Assembly: New Version of Logical Calculator in NI MultiSim

Interfacing LCD & Keypad to 8051 in MultiSim - Compare the magnitude of 2 numbers

8051 Projects in C: Build a Simple Calculator by using a keypad & LCD - Part 1

8051 Projects in C: Build a Simple Calculator by using a keypad & LCD - Part 2

8051 Projects in C: Password Checker Project with keypad and LCD

What You Will Learn!

  • At the end of this Course, students will have learned 8051 programming and hardware, as well as various real-world projects in assembly and C.
  • The student will learn how to create advanced embedded systems by using interrupts, timers, LCD and LED displays, keypads, and A/D converters.
  • Several 8051 emulators, including Proteus, Edsim51, and Edsim51, will be utilized and thoroughly described.
  • Students will learn the principles of embedded system hardware and software, as well as how they interact with real-world devices, in this course.
  • As assignments, there are various mini-projects with solutions.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students of Computer science, Electronics Engineering and anyone who loves to build a smart device controller
  • beginner system developers curious about microcontroller programming in C and assembly