Bhagvad Gita - Karma Yog

How Karma defines your life

Ratings: 1.00 / 5.00


This course is for individuals going through confusion, dilemma, fear, insecurity & pain in any area of their life, be it marriage, parenting, other relationships, career, profession, health or freedom.

This course will clear your concepts about Karma & how Karma defines your life. It will help you to move from stress & emptiness to peace & fulfilment.

It is a 5 step journey that will take you from the feeling of stress & emptiness to peace & fulfilment. It will make you aware, help you introspect & accept, teach you how to detach, understand your true state that you are meant to be & finally help you design & work on your karmic cycle & karmic pots.

This whole experience will elevate your consciousness & give you a beautiful meaning to live.

The activities in each step will help you experience the concept clearly so that you can move on to the next step with confidence. It is recommended that you complete the activities along the course so that you become clear about the concept before going to the next level. Download the resources before starting the course so that you can follow the activities as you go along.

Wish you a beautiful journey on the path of Karma.

Stay peaceful & fulfilled.

What You Will Learn!

  • move from stress to peace
  • move from feeling of emptiness to feeling fulfilled
  • learn how karma defines your life
  • create your karmic cycle & observe your karmic pots

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals going through confusion, dilemma, insecurity, fear, doubts in various areas of life, be it relationships, career, finance, freedom, health