Curso Basico de Ingles y Espanol Tecnico Para Ingenieros
Curso Bilingue de Ingles y Espanol Tecnico, desde Computacion hasta Robotica--Bilingual English Spanish Technical Course
This course will teach bilingual concepts of five technical areas.
- In Only 1 hour, Learn and practice more than100 bilingual technical terms.
- Learn bilingual concepts about Computers, electronics, robotics, manufacturing, and renewable energy.
- Read and write more than 100 technical terms and instructions about these emerging fields.
- Practice with these bilingual vocabulary and sentences as you go over these lessons.
- Use these vocabulary and technical sentences inmediately.
Este curso presenta conceptos bilingues en cinco areas tecnicas.
- En tan solo 1 hora: Aprende y practique mas de 10 terminos tecnicos bilingues.
- Areas that will be covered include. Computadoras, electronica, robotica, manufactura, y energias renovables.
- Lea y escriba mas de 100 terminos e instrucciones tecnicas en estos campos emergentes.
- Practique estos vocabularios y oraciones bilingues mientras estudia estas lecciones.
- Utilize estos vocabularios y oraciones inmediatamente
What You Will Learn!
- learn an practice basic technical vocabulary
- aprender y utilizar vocabulario tecnico basico
- bilingual technical terminology
- terminologia tecnica bilingue
- more than 100 bilingual technical terms and expressions
- mas de 100 terminos bilingues tecnicos
Who Should Attend!
- students or professionals with desire to learn technical Spanish
- estudiantes o profesionales con deseos de aprender Ingles tecnico
- Business, engineering, scientific and technical students and professionals