Biotechnology of plant tissue culture

Plant secondary metabolite and somatic embryogenesis

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Plant tissue culture is a sophisticated technique that involves the in vitro cultivation of plant cells, tissues, or organs under sterile and controlled conditions. Embark with me on a journey into the realm of plant science, where the intricate world of secondary metabolites unfolds. These specialized compounds, exclusive to each plant species, harbor the key to a myriad of medicinal, aromatic, and nutritional properties. Our exploration of plant biology introduces us to the captivating phenomenon of somatic embryogenesis – a process wherein ordinary plant cells metamorphose into embryonic precursors, offering pathways for accelerated propagation and genetic manipulation.

Yet, our odyssey does not conclude here. Picture a domain where seeds emerge not from the soil, but from the methodical hands of scientists. Enter the domain of synthetic seeds – a groundbreaking concept that harmonizes the natural with the engineered. These artificial wonders encapsulate the essence of life, heralding a future where crop propagation transcends conventional boundaries.

Join us as we unravel the enigma of plant secondary metabolites, witness the allure of somatic embryogenesis, and envisage a world where synthetic seeds redefine the fundamental concept of sowing the seeds of tomorrow. Nature's mysteries await – let the scientific expedition commence! This technique is widely used in agriculture, horticulture, and forestry for the mass production of disease-free and genetically uniform plantlets.

What You Will Learn!

  • This course is all about plant tissue culture to create an impactful learning experience for our global learners.
  • Apply knowledge of synthetic seed and secondary metabolites
  • Design strategies for plant genetic manipulation
  • Gain practical skills in plant tissue culture

Who Should Attend!

  • To all the Enthusiast interested in knowing about synthetic seed and secondary metabolite production