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Bringing Value to Impact Organizational Outcomes


This course includes the basics of how individual team members bring value to their organization. The course gives overview on assessment and evaluation, project management, using influence to produce a positive ROI, conducting business needs assessments, and introduces evidence based business practice. This course is also for those who have at-home businesses. You can use these same cutting-edge business techniques to impact your bottom line.

You can also use this information for personal development, self-help, or influencer roles. Understanding the basic concept of  value will help you write a successful business plan.  You can also use this information for personal development, self-help, or influencer roles. Understanding the basic concept of value will help you write a successful business plan as well.

To determine the value you bring to your organization, there is foundational facts you need to know.

  • Numerical data is what helps companies determine their worth. It’s what’s called, “the bottom line”.

  • How do you contribute to the bottom line as a singular entity in the company?

  • Think about what you do and ask yourself why you do what you do.

  • Where do you exist in the company and how are you contributing to its growth?

To answer those questions, you have to look a little deeper and ask how are you developing yourself professionally as well as personally?

Your boss is not likely going to ask you how many continuing professional education classes you are taking or if you are pursuing higher education, a college degree or a certification. Your skills and competence will show up in your job, and if your skills are lacking or deficient, those deficits will show up as well.

Companies desire to grow and to do that, leaders will expect your personal commitment, time, talent, and initiative to drive value from your desk top.

What You Will Learn!

  • Examine concepts related to value in determining organizational impact.
  • Identify factors contributing to organizational impact.
  • Discuss organizational impact based on economic data.
  • Reflect on personal contribution to organizational impact.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone, business owners, team members, self employed, at home business owners