Build Body Confidence-Improve Your Body Image

Second Key to Ultimate Confidence, Body, and Self-Esteem

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Build Body Confidence-Improve Your Body Image


What You Can Expect To Learn

This is the third course (after the Intro and First Key), and the Second Key from the "6 Keys to ULTIMATE Confidence, Body, and Self-Esteem" program, which will be a blueprint to boosting:

Body Confidence, so that you will feel good about your body, you will respect your body, you will build body acceptance, become body-positive, and develop body mindfulness, which will boost your personal power to achieve your goals, and fulfill your dreams.

What do you think about your body? Do you dislike some parts of your body or have days when you feel self-doubt? Such feelings are natural from time to time but being obsessive with ourselves in the long term can result in serious concerns such as depression and eating disorders. Take your first step toward feeling happy with your body every day with this unique course. It begins by defining positive body image and its various aspects, including perceptual, affective, cognitive and behavioural body image. You will research the effects of the media on positive body image and uncover tips for being more body positive. These include focusing on your positive qualities and abilities, saying pleasant things to yourself every day and stopping harsh or unhealthy self-talk. Then we will look into ways to improve your body respect, including practising gratitude, self-care and letting go of body comparison.

Next, the course emphasises the significance of body acceptance and introduces methods and activities to assist you in developing your body acceptance. Following that, you will explore the distinction between helpful and unhelpful assumptions. It includes the ways of identifying and altering the underlying appearance assumptions that triggered your body dissatisfaction. Subsequently, the course emphasises the significance of body acceptance and brings methods and activities to assist you in developing your body acceptance. You will examine the distinction between helpful and unhelpful assumptions and gain more reasonable and adaptable guidelines to use daily by identifying and then altering the underlying appearance assumptions that triggered your body dissatisfaction.

The course also explains intuitive exercise, which offers an exploratory process that may help you become more in touch with your drive for physical activity. You will learn to design your own ‘Recipe for True Rest’ to reap huge benefits on all levels: body, mind and spirit. The course then will teach you to strengthen your relationship with your body through the body-aware approach. You will discover how to challenge, rewire and rewrite rooted perspectives and beliefs to become body-conscious. Finally, you will learn about comparison thinking, which may feed ‘I am not good enough’ ideas and contribute to low self-esteem and poor body image. Transform yourself by making body mindful statements like ‘I am valuable’, ‘I respect myself and my life’, ‘I accept who I am’ and ‘I value my body functions’ to enhance your body confidence. Register today!

What You Will Learn!

  • You will develop body confidence
  • You will build body respect and body acceptance
  • You will develop body mindfulness
  • You will overcome body obsessions
  • You will learn skills to stop body comparisons

Who Should Attend!

  • • Anyone Who Want to Feel Confident About Her/His Body
  • • Anyone Who Want to Feel Better About Who She/He Is
  • • Anyone Who Wants to Build up Body Esteem and Body Respect
  • • Anyone Who Want to Feel Great about Her/His Body
  • • Anyone Who Want to Become More Body Accepting
  • • Anyone Who Want to Improve His/Her Body Image
  • • Anyone Who Want to Become Body Mindful