Building scalable Inside Sales organization.

The inside sales model reviewed in great detail.

Ratings: 3.97 / 5.00


The course introduces a reader to the wonderful world of corporate sales, or the "Inside Sales" model in particular.  It is not about deal-closing tips and tricks but rather provides a detailed insight into the framework and functioning of the Inside Sales model. The course reviews the sales and marketing in the modern IT organization, the lead, the funnel, the pipeline, the dynamics behind the B2B purchasing process, the sales call, and other related topics. 

There are eight modules discussing in-depth subjects like:

  • Sales and marketing connection.

  • Lead nurturing and what a lead is in great detail.

  • Sales pipeline and different kinds of pipelines.

  • The psychology of the sales process.

  • The behavior on the sales call.

  • Sale is stressful, and how to maintain a positive attitude when selling.

  • Is it really for you?

The course suits those who plan to implement the Inside Sales model within their organization. For the organization leaders, the course provides a high-level overview of the sales process and how it can be successfully implemented within the organization.  For sales professionals, it can be useful as a tool to structure knowledge you already possess and provide some new perspectives to the already known processes and techniques.

What You Will Learn!

  • How to build effective and scalable inside sales organization.

Who Should Attend!

  • Managers and entrepreneurs in need of building a sales organization.