Business Essentials

Software Design

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A successful business will require that you have an online presence. This can be achieved by the development

of a website and/or blog with your business domain, brand design, establish documents and business accounts

for communication and transactions. When initially establishing a business the funds that you have to initiate

can potentially be limited therefore it will require that you do as much as you can for yourself. As your

instructors we will walk you through the process of building an online presence. We will do this by illuminating

the main online essentials that a business needs so that you can build sites yourself independently at your

own pace. We too have applied these skills when we established our 2Suitcasez Podcast brand including the

designing our own website, blog, brand digital design, business documents and business accounts. We believe

that everyone is capable of designing a website and/or blog that will represent their business pursuits to

appeal to customers, supporters and patrons. This course can also be essential for individuals who would desire

to learn how to design digital media using a step-by-step approach. Our course serves as a guide to

self-publishing your content on the internet. Upon successful completion of our Business Essentials Course

learners will earn a Certification in Software Design.

What You Will Learn!

  • To build and design a business website and domain
  • To build and design a business blog and domain
  • To design business brand digital imagery that represent the services/products that you will be providing
  • To establish business documents and accounts needed for creating files and communication

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Web Designers