B2B Sales Skills: LinkedIn Lead Generation, Cold Email Sales

High-ticket B2B sales and marketing. Generate leads, sell to big companies, and win large deals. Learn sales skills!

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Gain and immediately apply B2B sales skills to make-high ticket sales to businesses, organizations, universities, and non-profits.

You will learn how to build out a sales team, how to do outside sales and inside sales, how to structure your pitch, how to get sales from cold calling and cold email, and how to carry on the sales conversation to close the sale.

This course has two instructors. The first instructor is Jeremiah Boehner. He is the #1 salesperson at his company and has over 5 years of sales experience.

Alex Genadinik is the second instructor, and he will teach you how to sell using social media and SEO.


Many people thing that whether they are successful at sales depends on their sales skills. It's a myth that you have to be great at sales. Another way to look at it is whether you are getting good leads or not. If you sell to people who are close to buying or already want your product, your sale is essentially made for you.


In this course, you'll learn how to attract high-quality leads who already want to buy by the time they contact you. The examples will be of a real sales operation that I run, and I'll share real-world situations that work.


Learn the difference between inside sales and outside sales. Inside sales is when your sales staff works from their home or your office and primarily does cold emailing, cold calling, and various online lead generation strategies. Outside sales is when your sales staff actually go to client offices and do sales there.


Learn the differences between luring clients in by having them find your business with inbound sales vs. outbound sales where your sales team has to reach out to potential clients.


Most sales today are done over remote calls using teleconferencing software like Zoom, Skype, or WebEx. I'll also walk you through how to create a nice background that's real and feels trustworthy, how to set those calls up, and I'll give you scripts for how to lead your remote sales calls so they go well, and you close those sales.

Today, one of the most necessary B2B sales skills is being able to sell over Zoom or another video conference tool because face-to-face sales is decreasing, and in many cases, our best opportunity to build rapport is through video sales calls.

When your B2B sales prospects don't want to do video calls, you can easily use your remote sales skills on audio-only calls.


Many salespeople only focus on reaching out to potential leads, and while that does work, it's time consuming and tends to have a low sales conversion rate, leading to frustration.

I'll show you how I do SEO in order to get leads coming to me, already read to buy because my sales funnels ensures that low-converting leads don't reach out to me. That way, I don't just get great leads who are ready to buy, I have a higher sales win rate than most salespeople.


A big part of this course focuses on landing big, high-ticket clients who can pay premium prices and spend to the maximum. We will go over how to write business proposals, get on effective remote sales calls, and how to do Account Based Marketing (ABM) in order to generate big sales.

These tactics will enable you to do B2B sales to Fortune 500 companies, universities, the military, and other large organizations, and win big contracts.


A large part of this course will also focus on B2B sales to small businesses and midsize businesses. You will be able to sell to small local businesses like dentists, cleaners, restaurants, gyms, stores, and many other local businesses.


The course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. 

Invest in your future. Enroll now.

What You Will Learn!

  • Make more B2B sales!
  • Gain sales skills like successful cold calling to get B2B sales leads
  • Get sales leads from multiple tools
  • Generate an income selling to businesses
  • Create a sales system that will help them increase their sales and lead vetting process
  • Gain B2B sales skills like handling sales objections when doing B2B sales
  • Remote sales call scripts and setting up your office background
  • Gain B2B sales skills like proposal writing
  • Empathy in sales

Who Should Attend!

  • Entrepreneurs
  • New sales people
  • People whose businesses sell B2B