Finding Your Voice- Proactive anxiety management for HSP's

A relationship building and anxiety management skill building corse for sensitive musicians and creative people

Ratings: 4.00 / 5.00


Our 6-week course will transform folks into fearless, self-assertive creators who will boldly seek connections with others.

We will develop anxiety management skills, go through a series of self-reflective assessments, and collaborate by doing, exposing ourselves to moments that help us overcome barriers to making authentic and exciting connections to others.

We'll focus on who you are as a creator, and what it is that will make you authentically connected to your audience.

We believe in equipping our students with the skills to be able to learn for the rest of their lives! By instilling in them with skills for anxiety management and good communication.

Students will view the weekly video content, and use that week's assignments to explore and integrate their own relationships with the topic. There is also an experiential part of the course that is designed to get students practicing, communicating, and connecting with other creatives online.

Our weekly topics include,

Week 1 Content

Topic: Understanding is the first step, Neuroscience, the Biology of Anxiety, Personal diagnosis, and treatment plan

Week 2 Content

Topic: Proactive Anxiety management

Week 3 Content

Topic: Body integration for anxiety

Wk 4 Content

Topic: Finding your authenticity, Identifying Self sabotage, and barriers to communication and creativity born out of anxiety

Wk 5 Content

Topic: Learning effective Communication styles and recognizing poor ones

Wk 6 Content

Topic: Creating your future free from anxiety, Visualizing your happy complete self

What You Will Learn!

  • Anxiety management, communication skills and creative colaboration practice

Who Should Attend!

  • Musicians and creatives