CENTRAL FORCES - A force binding the Universe
Understand the motion of double stars , conservation laws and equation of central force orbits
The course includes following topics.
1. Definition of central forces
2. Equivalent One body Problems
3. Motion of Double Stars
4. Conservation of Angular Momentum
5. Potential Energy
6. Central Force Potential
7. Quasistatic Equilibrium
8. Conservation of Energy
9. Trajectory of Particle Undergoing Central Force motion
10. Equation of Orbit
11. problems on Equation of Orbit
12. Boundedness vs Unboundedness
13. Condition for Central Force Motion
14. Motion under Inverse Square Law Forces
15. Virial theorem
16. Applications of Virial Theorem
17. Problems on Central Forces
18. Problems on Central Forces - contd
19. Gravitation
20. Gravitation-contd
On these topics, we will have video lectures, pdf notes. We will cover sufficient number of numericals so that the concepts get crystal clear. We have covered all important derivations like equation of orbits, How conservation laws forces the planets to move in elliptical orbit. We have dealt keplers law in good details. You will also get to know the motion of double stars and binary stars. Why the proton is at rest in H atom. You will also have glimpse of the Rutherford and Gravitational Scattering.
At the end, i have discussed in great detail the gravitation force, gravitational field , gravitational potential energy.
Central force motion is the most important topic of classical mechanics. Two of the basic interactions of the universe - graviational and coulombic forces are central forces. This is a family of forces.
What You Will Learn!
- They will learn about central forces
- They will build good concept and would be able to solve numericals as well
- This will help understand motion of stars and planets and the trajectory traced by them
- They will inderstand how the conservation laws forces the celestial bodies to take a specific paths
Who Should Attend!
- intermediate and graduate physics students
- Those who intend to do research in physics and astrophysics