CFA Level 1 2024 - Quantitative Methods

Master Quantitative Methods with WSN CFA Level 1 Crash Course | Cover ALL learning outcome (LOS) with video lectures!

Ratings: 3.00 / 5.00


Dream of passing the CFA?

Wall Street Notes brings the newest Level 1 Crash Course to fast-track your way to CFA success in 2024!

It's no secret that the CFA is very difficult to pass, but what better way to study than with a method crafted by those who already passed the test?

At Wall Street Notes, all Level 1 crash courses are created by subject experts who passed the CFA above the 90th percentile on their first try!

Our goal is simple, we wanted to create a complemental study tool to help candidates:

#1 Understand faster than everyone else, while still covering every single learning outcome (LOS) in the books.

#2 Save valuable study time.

#3 Be able to review and remember everything  on exam day.

Here is how we do exactly that:

1) To help you Understand, Wall Street Notes took the entire curriculum and transformed it into simple animated videos that help you visualize the textbook quickly. And unlike other courses, it explains every single learning outcome so you can be sure there are no gaps in your knowledge.

2) To help you save time, Wall Street Notes covers the average learning module in 10 minutes, and the average topic in about an hour, which is 4 times faster than any other video provider.

3) To help you remember everything for exam day, Wall street notes allows you to review from anywhere at any time so that you can use snippets of free time to keep the material fresh in your mind.

It’s all about working smarter, not harder!  Let's take your strategy to the next level.


This course is the 1st of a 10-course series that covers the entire CFA Level 1 curriculum. Check out the entire Wall Street Notes course library by clicking on our instructor profile logo!

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What You Will Learn!

  • Cover all learning outcome statements (LOS) in the CFA Level 1 Quantitative Methods study session
  • Interpret interest rates and explain their composition
  • Calculate ways to measure returns and their uses
  • Money weighted and time weighted returns
  • Annualized returns and continuously compounded returns
  • Calculate ways to measure returns and their uses
  • Present value of fixed income and equity instruments
  • Implied return of fixed income and equity instruments
  • Adding cash flows and preventing arbitrage with interest rates and exchange rates
  • Measures of central tendency and location
  • Measures of dispersion
  • Measures of skewness and kurtosis
  • Interpreting correlation
  • Expected values, variances, and standard deviations
  • Probability trees and conditional probabilities
  • Baye's formula (Baye's Theorem)
  • Portfolio expected value, variance, standard deviation, covariance and correlation
  • Portfolio covariance and correlation using probabilities
  • Shortfall risk and the safety first ratio
  • Lognormal distributions and continuously compounded returns
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • Bootstrap resampling
  • Types of sampling and their implications
  • Central limit theorem
  • Resampling methods
  • Hypothesis testing and errors
  • Constructing hypothesis tests
  • Parametric and non parametric tests
  • Parametric tests, non parametric tests, and correlation tests
  • Contingency tables and tests of independence
  • Introduction to linear regression, criteria, and coefficients
  • Linear regression assumptions
  • Measures and tests of fit
  • Using an ANOVA table and interpreting the standard error
  • Calculating the predicted value of a dependent variable and an interval for it
  • Functional forms of simple linear regressions
  • Fintech and financial data
  • Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning
  • Big data and data science applications

Who Should Attend!

  • CFA Level 1 Candidates
  • Students interested in the CFA designation
  • Finance professionals
  • Finance students